Dynamic view-related macro (server side)
This macro declares a server object relation as being accessible at runtime. This relation can be of type IlsOwns or IlsUses. It differs from the relations declared with the macros ILS_OWNS_1 and ILS_USES_1 in that its accessor, the accessor to its target, and its modifiers are user-defined.
This macro can only be enclosed between the following pairs of macros:
or their derivatives.
Header File 
#include <ilserver/rtmodel.h>
getRelation, getTarget, setTarget)
This macro takes the following arguments:
*originType is the class where the relation is declared.
*targetType is the target class.
*relation is the name of the relation.
*getRelation is the relation accessor. Its signature is the following:
IlsViewedRel* originType::getRelation();
*getTarget is the relation target accessor. Its signature is the following:
IlsViewed* originType::getTarget();
*setTarget is the relation target modifier. Its signature is the following:
IlsBoolean originType::setTarget(targetType*);
When the modifier returns IlsFalse and if the rollback mode is enabled on the component, the current transaction is rolled back by the server and a rollback transaction is sent to the component that requested the modification. See the “Transaction Control” sections in the IlsMvComponent and IlsMvServer class descriptions for more information.
The signature of these functions may vary under the following conditions:
*The function is a member of the class originType or of a parent class.
*Its result implicitly converts to the type specified in the model.
*It is invoked with arguments specified in the model.
See Also 

Version 5.8
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