Dynamic view-related macro (component side)
These macros are used with classes that derive from IlsRpObject together with the macro ILS_RP_OBJECT_DECL.It allows you to declare these classes to the representation model interpreter, which is implemented in the Rogue Wave Server library. Using this declaration, the representation model interpreter can create representation objects whose C++ type corresponds to the dynamic representation model described in a dynamic view type specification.
Header File 
#include <ilserver/rpmoditp.h>
ILS_RP_OBJECT3_BEGIN(rpObjectType, parent1,parent2,parent3)
The pair of macros ILS_RP_OBJECT_BEGIN/ILS_RP_OBJECT_END must be added to the source file defining the member functions related to classes of representation objects. Only macros related to representation attributes, such as ILS_RP_ATTR_BOOLEAN, ILS_RP_ATTR_CHAR, can be enclosed between these macros. The associated class of representation must contain a constructor with the following signature:
The first parameter specifies the representation into which the representation object will be inserted, while the second parameter indicates the associated representation object model. This constructor will be called by Rogue Wave Server to instantiate representation objects whose associated dynamic representation model references rpObjectType.
If rpObjectType directly derives from one, two, or three other representation classes, you must use the appropriate BEGIN macro (for example, ILS_RP_OBJECT1_BEGIN if rpObjectType directly derives from another representation object class).The representation attributes declared for a parent type are inherited by the derived type.
See Also 
IlsRepresentation, IlsRpObject, ILS_RP_OBJECT_DECL, ILS_RP_OBJECT_INIT, IlsRpObjModel

Version 5.8
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