Inspector Menus File Menu Load Model from file—Loads a server object model that was saved to a file. Save Model to file—Saves a server object model to a file. Show Log—Displays the log file of the inspector panel. Save Log—Saves the log file on the disk. Close—Closes the inspector window. Edit Menu Session Properties—Displays a dialog box in which you can edit the properties related to the current session. Table Representation Properties—Displays a dialog box in which you can edit the properties related to the current table representation. View Properties—Displays a dialog box in which you can edit the view properties related to the current view. Delete Representation Tables—Deletes the table representations created in the inspector panel. Server Menu Load Model—Loads a server object model. Update view on Server—Notifies the server about a new view. Show all classes—Makes any hidden classes in the model pane visible. Disconnect—Disconnects the inspector from the server. |
Description of the Model in the Server Data Source Inspector |
The Network object model appears as a tree gadget in the top left section of the Server Data Source inspector. Classes in the model are represented by rectangular icons and are preceded by a plus (+) sign. Clicking on a class name or on its icon displays the related entry data members and derived data members in the top right pane of the inspector. A lock icon to the left of a class data member means that the data member is read-only. Displaying the Data Members of a Class A plus (+) sign to the left of a class means that this class can be expanded to show its relations. This plus (+) sign changes to a minus (-) sign once the class has been expanded. Expanding a Class to Show its Relations A square bracket ([ ]) before a relation indicates that this is a one-to-many relation (for example, a domain owns several lines). A double-headed arrow before a relation means that this relation has an inverse relation. You can traverse the relations of a class by expanding the relations. In this way, you can follow complex paths. For example, you can click to the plus (+) sign before the relation lines under Domain to follow the relation lines. Using the tree gadget, you can thus navigate through the object structure. Each time a relation is selected, the attributes of the class that the relation points to are displayed in the right-hand pane. In this manner, you can select attributes in the right-hand pane that are owned by a complex path in the model. Most of the items in the model pane have a context-sensitive pop-up menu which can be accessed by clicking on the item with the right mouse button. For example, to hide a class in the model pane, click on the class with the right mouse button and select Hide Class in the pop-up menu. |