// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Network component additional customization // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Network { view: true; toolbar: true; interactor: true; } View { keepingAspectRatio: true; maxZoomXFactor: 10; maxZoomYFactor: 10; } StyleSheet { styleSheetDebugMask: "BAD_CLASS_MASK|BAD_PROP_MASK|FAILED_CONVERSIONS_MASK"; } ToolBar { enabled: true; button[0]: @+SelectButton; button[1]: @+PanButton; button[2]: @+ZoomInButton; button[3]: @+ZoomOutButton; button[4]: @+ZoomBackButton; button[5]: @+ZoomResetButton; button[6]: @+FitToContentsButton; button[7]: @+ZoomViewButton; } #SelectButton { actionType: "Select"; usingObjectInteractor: true; opaqueMove: true; action[0]: @+action0; } #action0 { key: "DELETE"; class: "ilog.cpl.graph.action.IlpRemoveSelectedObjectsAction"; } #PanButton { actionType: "Pan"; usingObjectInteractor: false; } #ZoomInButton { actionType: "ZoomIn"; } #ZoomOutButton { actionType: "ZoomOut"; } #ZoomBackButton { actionType: "ZoomBack"; } #ZoomResetButton { actionType: "ZoomReset"; } #FitToContentsButton { actionType: "FitToContents"; } #ZoomViewButton { actionType: "ZoomView"; } Interactor { name: "Select"; } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Customize object representation // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ object.NetworkElement { label: @name; toolTipText: @site; } object.Workstation { iconVisible: true; icon: '@|image("workstation.png")'; labelFont: "arial-plain-10"; shapeType: ROUND_RECTANGLE; fillStyle: RADIAL_GRADIENT; borderColor: '#00000000'; background: blue; foreground: cyan; fillAngle: 0; fillStart: 0.5; fillEnd: 1; } object.Domain { iconVisible: true; icon: '@|image("domain.png")'; expansion: IN_PLACE; labelFont: "arial-plain-12"; subnetworkBackground: '#A3A5F5'; subnetworkForeground: '#00000000'; } object.Server { iconVisible: true; icon: '@|image("server.png")'; shapeType: ROUND_RECTANGLE; fillStyle: RADIAL_GRADIENT; borderColor: '#00000000'; background: blue; foreground: white; fillAngle: 0; fillStart: 0.5; fillEnd: 1; labelFont: "arial-plain-10"; } object.NMW { toolTipText: @site; } object.NMW[vendor="Vendor A"] { labelForeground: red; } object.NMW[vendor="Vendor B"] { labelForeground: blue; } object.LinkElement { labelFont: "arial-plain-8"; label: @name; labelSpacing: 8; foreground: gray; alternateColor: lightGray; animateSpeed: 0.5; } #Domain1 { fillStyle: RADIAL_GRADIENT; borderColor: '#00000000'; background: '#00000000'; foreground: white; fillAngle: 90; fillStart: 0.5; fillEnd: 0; shapeWidth: 100; labelFont: "arial-plain-20"; } #Domain2 { fillStyle: RADIAL_GRADIENT; borderColor: '#00000000'; background: '#00000000'; foreground: white; fillAngle: 0; fillStart: 0.5; fillEnd: 0; shapeWidth: 100; labelFont: "arial-plain-20"; } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Customize attributes to be displayed inside // the object System Window // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ object."NMW/vendor" { label: @vendor; visibleInSystemWindow: true; captionLabel: Vendor; captionLabelVisible: true; } object."NMW/site" { visibleInSystemWindow: true; label: @site; captionLabel: Site; captionLabelVisible: true; }