 * Licensed Materials - Property of Perforce Software, Inc. 
 * © Copyright Perforce Software, Inc. 2014, 2021 
 * © Copyright IBM Corp. 2009, 2014
 * © Copyright ILOG 1996, 2009
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights:
 * The Software and Documentation were developed at private expense and
 * are "Commercial Items" as that term is defined at 48 CFR 2.101,
 * consisting of "Commercial Computer Software" and
 * "Commercial Computer Software Documentation", as such terms are
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 * as applicable.

package monitoring.web.controls;

import ilog.cpl.IlpEquipment;
import ilog.cpl.equipment.EquipmentSelectionEvent;
import ilog.cpl.equipment.EquipmentSelectionListener;
import ilog.cpl.service.IlpContext;
import ilog.tgo.faces.equipment.dhtml.component.IltFacesDHTMLEquipmentView;
import ilog.views.faces.dhtml.component.IlvFacesDHTMLOverview;

import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

import monitoring.shared.LoggingUtils;
import monitoring.shared.drilldown.AbstractDrillDownManager;
import monitoring.web.AbstractSampleContext;
import monitoring.web.SampleConstants;
import monitoring.web.controls.configurator.EquipmentConfigurator;
import monitoring.web.controls.popup.InventoryContextualMenuFactory;
import monitoring.web.drilldown.EquipmentDrillDownManager;
import monitoring.web.utils.WebUtils;

import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.core.layout.CorePanelGroupLayout;

import shared.ResourceUtils;

 * Contains all the equipment related controls in the sample. 
public class EquipmentControls {
  //Equipment controls
  private IltFacesDHTMLEquipmentView inventoryEquipmentView;
  private IlvFacesDHTMLOverview inventoryOverview;
  private CorePanelGroupLayout inventoryOverviewPanel;
  private EquipmentDrillDownManager equipmentDrillDownManager;
  private EquipmentConfigurator equipmentConfigurator;
  private InventoryContextualMenuFactory inventoryContextualMenuFactory;
  private EquipmentViewSelectionPropagator inventoryEquipmentViewSelectionPropagator;

  private String equipmentInventoryDisplayLabel;
  private InventoryDisplayLabelUpdater inventoryDisplayLabelUpdater;
   * Creates all the equipment related controls. 
  public EquipmentControls() {

    //Create the inventory equipment view
    inventoryEquipmentView = (IltFacesDHTMLEquipmentView) FacesContext

    //This is so because at the time when the view is being created
    //in this sample, the ID of the created JSF component is not yet in synch
    //with the JSP page, so we need to specify it, to ensure that the framework
    //can properly find its components

    //Initialize the selection propagator
    inventoryEquipmentViewSelectionPropagator = new EquipmentViewSelectionPropagator();

    //Create the equipment drill down manager
    equipmentDrillDownManager = new EquipmentDrillDownManager();

    //Create the equipment configuration loader 
    equipmentConfigurator = new EquipmentConfigurator(this);

    //Set the default stylesheets

    //Create contextual menus
    inventoryContextualMenuFactory = new InventoryContextualMenuFactory();
    //Create the label updater
    inventoryDisplayLabelUpdater = new InventoryDisplayLabelUpdater();

   * Initializes the equipment related controls.
  public void initialize(AbstractSampleContext sampleContext) {

    //1- Update the components with the proper TGO context
    IlpContext context = sampleContext.getTgoContext();

    //This is needed as the settings from the JSP tag have not yet been applied
    //to this faces component

    //3- Configure the selection propagator for the inventory equipment

    IlpEquipment inventoryEquipment = null;

    try {
      inventoryEquipment = getInventoryEquipmentView().getEquipment();
    } catch (Exception e) {
          "Could not find the Inventory Equipment View with this exception:"
          + e.getLocalizedMessage());

    //Install the propagator on the inventory equipment view 

    //4- Ensure that the proper startup configuration is loaded in the network 

    //5- Configure the equipment drill down manager

    //Set the sample context

    //Set the component

    //Set the tree datasource 

    //Engage the configuration loader
        AbstractDrillDownManager.CURRENT_ROOT, equipmentConfigurator);

    //The inventory equipment, shows nothing at startup

    //6- Configure contextual menu
    //7- Configure and install listener to udpate the inventory label

        AbstractDrillDownManager.CURRENT_ROOT, inventoryDisplayLabelUpdater);

  //Accessors and Modifiers

  public IltFacesDHTMLEquipmentView getInventoryEquipmentView() {
    return inventoryEquipmentView;
  public void setInventoryEquipmentView(
      IltFacesDHTMLEquipmentView inventoryEquipment) {
    this.inventoryEquipmentView = inventoryEquipment;
  public IlvFacesDHTMLOverview getInventoryOverview() {
    return inventoryOverview;
  public void setInventoryOverview(IlvFacesDHTMLOverview inventoryOverview) {
    this.inventoryOverview = inventoryOverview;
  public CorePanelGroupLayout getInventoryOverviewPanel() {
    return inventoryOverviewPanel;
  public void setInventoryOverviewPanel(CorePanelGroupLayout inventoryOverviewPanel) {
    this.inventoryOverviewPanel = inventoryOverviewPanel;
  public EquipmentDrillDownManager getEquipmentDrillDownManager() {
    return equipmentDrillDownManager;
  public InventoryContextualMenuFactory getInventoryContextualMenuFactory() {
    return inventoryContextualMenuFactory;
  public void setInventoryContextualMenuFactory(
      InventoryContextualMenuFactory inventoryContextualMenuFactory) {
    this.inventoryContextualMenuFactory = inventoryContextualMenuFactory;
  public String getEquipmentInventoryDisplayLabel() {
    return equipmentInventoryDisplayLabel;
  public void setEquipmentInventoryDisplayLabel(
      String equipmentInventoryDisplayLabel) {
    this.equipmentInventoryDisplayLabel = equipmentInventoryDisplayLabel;

  //Internal Types

   * Handles the propagation of selections in the main view to the other main 
   * components (tree and table).
  static class EquipmentViewSelectionPropagator implements EquipmentSelectionListener {

    private AbstractSampleContext sampleContext;

    public AbstractSampleContext getSampleContext() {
      return sampleContext;
    public void setApplicationContext(AbstractSampleContext sampleContext) {
      this.sampleContext = sampleContext;

    public void objectsAdded(EquipmentSelectionEvent event) {
      if(WebUtils.isApplicationLive()) {

    public void objectsRemoved(EquipmentSelectionEvent event) {
      if(WebUtils.isApplicationLive()) {
   * Ensures that the label of network module's network display label.
  class InventoryDisplayLabelUpdater implements PropertyChangeListener {
    private AbstractSampleContext sampleContext;

    public AbstractSampleContext getSampleContext() {
      return sampleContext;
    public void setApplicationContext(AbstractSampleContext sampleContext) {
      this.sampleContext = sampleContext;
    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {