 * Licensed Materials - Property of Perforce Software, Inc. 
 * © Copyright Perforce Software, Inc. 2014, 2021 
 * © Copyright IBM Corp. 2009, 2014
 * © Copyright ILOG 1996, 2009
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights:
 * The Software and Documentation were developed at private expense and
 * are "Commercial Items" as that term is defined at 48 CFR 2.101,
 * consisting of "Commercial Computer Software" and
 * "Commercial Computer Software Documentation", as such terms are
 * used in 48 CFR 12.212 or 48 CFR 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4,
 * as applicable.

import java.awt.Color;

import ilog.views.IlvGraphic;
import ilog.views.IlvManager;
import ilog.views.maps.IlvMapFeature;
import ilog.views.maps.IlvMapRenderException;
import ilog.views.maps.rendering.IlvDefaultCurveRenderer;
import ilog.views.maps.rendering.IlvMapLineRenderingStyle;
import ilog.views.maps.srs.coordtrans.IlvCoordinateTransformation;
import ilog.views.maps.srs.coordtrans.IlvCoordinateTransformationException;

public class RendererSample {
  IlvManager manager = new IlvManager();
  int layerIndex = 0;
  IlvMapFeature feature;

  public RendererSample() {
    IlvMapLineRenderingStyle style = new IlvMapLineRenderingStyle();
    style.setScale(1f / 1000000f);
    IlvDefaultCurveRenderer renderer = new IlvDefaultCurveRenderer();
    try {
      // Identity transformation.
      IlvCoordinateTransformation identity = IlvCoordinateTransformation.CreateTransformation(null, null);
      IlvGraphic graphic = renderer.makeGraphic(feature, identity);

      // Adding the graphic object into a manager.
      manager.addObject(graphic, layerIndex, true);
    } catch (IlvMapRenderException e) {
      // Might occur if the geometry is not a curve.
      System.out.println("This renderer cannot translate the map feature");
    } catch (IlvCoordinateTransformationException te) {
      // Might occur if the coordinate transformation could not be
      // performed.
      System.out.println("This renderer could not transform the geometry");