Perforce JViews Framework code example gallery

How to run the code examples is explained in the starting the samples page.

Code Examples


This sample shows how to use blinking colors, blinking paints, blinking actions and visibility blinking on IlvGraphic objects.

Composite Graphic

This sample shows how to build a composite graphic object using Perforce JViews Framework. This sample displays an IlvManagerView to which is added an IlvManager containing the IlvCompositeGraphic object.

Constrained Reshape Interactor

This sample shows how to constrain the reshaping of the selected graphic object. This interactor performs differently if the selected graphic object has a constraint installed.

Drag Rectangle Interactor

This sample shows how to implement a personalized object interactor. In this example, the interactor implements a dragable rectangle in the manager view.

Expand and Collapse Interactions

This sample shows different ways to collapse and expand submanagers and link bundles.

Find In View

This sample shows how to search for nodes in a grapher and how to center them in the manager view.

Getting Started Step 1

This is the first sample that helps getting started with the essential JViews Framework.

Getting Started Step 2

This is the second sample that helps getting started with the essential JViews Framework.

Getting Started Step 3

This is the third sample that helps getting started with the essential JViews Framework.

Getting Started Step 4

This is the fourth sample that helps getting started with the essential JViews Framework.

Getting started with a basic JViews JSF application

This example show how to use the JViews JavaServer Faces components to display a manager view.

Hover Highlight

This sample shows how to set and change the hover on highlight image operation on a sample manager, and how to create new image operations.

Inplace Text Editor

This sample shows how to use WYSIWYG text editing capabilities added to the IlvLabel implementation in Perforce JViews 7.5.

JavaServer Faces Graphic Framework components

These examples show how to use the JViews JavaServer Faces components in order to display and interact with a manager view.

Keyboard Selection

This sample shows how to select nodes and links in a grapher by using the keyboard.

Lightweight Text

This sample shows how to reduce the memory footprint of IlvText if not all features of IlvText are needed.

Marker subclass with selection subclass and object interactor subclass

This sample shows how to subclass IlvMarker in order to associate an object interactor with it to be used when the marker is selected.

Move Object Interactor

This sample shows how to implement a personalized object interactor. In this example, the interactor implements a movable graphic object in a manager view.

Pop-up Menu

This sample shows how to use an IlvPopupMenuManager instance to attach pop-up menus to IlvGraphic objects.

Rotate Align IlvText

This sample shows how to align rotated multiline text to rotated alignment axes.

Shadow Ellipse

This sample shows how to extend the IlvGraphic class to draw an ellipse with a shadow in an IlvManagerView.

Show-hide Grapher Branches

This simple sample shows how to show or hide a grapher branch. A grapher (an instance of IlvGrapher) is a data structure used to display any type of network.

Sub Manager or Grapher

This sample shows how to:


This sample shows how to use Z-Ordering inside a manager layer.

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