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Programmers documentation > Building Web applications > Deploying a JViews TGO JavaServer Faces application > JViews TGO JSF dependencies
JViews TGO JSF dependencies
The JViews TGO JSF components are a set of JavaServer™ Faces components declared in the tag library descriptor (. tld ) file jviews-tgo-faces.tld, and implemented by Java™ and JavaScript™ objects. Everything is packed into the jviews-tgo-all.jar file. However, in order to deploy a JViews TGO JSF Web application, you also need to include the following required jars in the WEB_INF/lib directory of the Web application:
NOTE Depending on the version of the technologies used, you may need a different set of jar files. This list of files is targeted at the software configuration provided by default in the installer.
There are specific cases in which JViews TGO requires additional jar files (see JAR files for special cases). In such cases, you also need to include the required jar files in your Web application.

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