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Programmers documentation > Styling > Customizing shelves and cards > Representing physical telecommunication equipment
Representing physical telecommunication equipment
Rogue Wave® JViews TGO provides a set of predefined business objects that are targeted to create physical views of telecommunication equipment.
The following business classes are available:
A shelf is a rectangular frame made up of slots placed side by side. Each slot can hold one card object.
Card carriers
A card carrier represents a piece of telecommunication equipment placed in a slot. A card carrier differs from a basic card in the sense that it is a card container. A card carrier contains slots; all cards placed inside a card carrier have the same size, which is determined by the size of the card carrier. Shelf objects and card carrier objects can contain card carriers.
A card represents a piece of telecommunication equipment placed in a slot inside a shelf. Shelf objects and card carrier objects can contain cards.
A port represents a physical interface to connect a card to other sets of equipment. Card objects can contain ports.
A LED (Light Emitting Diode) is an object used to represent a state through a color. Most types of equipment use LEDs as an interface to provide information to the user about hardware and software conditions. Card objects can contain LEDs.

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