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What is Rogue Wave JViews TGO?
Rogue Wave® JViews TGO is a set of Java™ components for rapidly developing high-performance, extendable GUIs for Operation Support Systems (OSS) that seamlessly integrate with back-end applications written in XML or based on JavaBeans™.
JViews TGO supplies a complete range of ready-to-use, highly customizable, Java graphic components and styling services for the display of domain-specific data with a unified, consistent look and feel across a variety of representations: table, tree, network, and equipment.
JViews TGO takes data from a variety of back-end sources, typically Operation Support Systems (OSS) applications, and transforms this data into consistent, high-quality graphics that display across various graphic components. JViews TGO can be integrated with almost any back-end application that is capable of exporting data. For example, the data can be obtained from an XML stream, as Java objects, from a relational database, through a Corba interface, or in other ways.
JViews TGO provides four types of predefined graphic component: network, equipment, table, and tree. Graphic components connect to the back end through a data source that transforms data into business objects. Graphic components render these objects graphically by retrieving associated graphic properties (such as foreground or background color, font, line pattern) from a style sheet. One or several style sheets can be applied to the graphic components. The style sheets control the data-to-graphics mapping through rules that conform to CSS2 syntax.

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