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General information > Distribution structure > Jar structure, content, and dependencies
Jar structure, content, and dependencies
Lists all the JViews TGO jars provided, as well as the packages included in them. Dependencies on other jars and external products or modules are also listed. If a jar includes a package, it means it also includes all subpackages, except where otherwise noted.
These libraries use software internally that is provided under different public licenses. For more details see <installdir> /license/notices.txt.
JViews TGO automatically installs the following JViews products on which it depends:
*Rogue Wave® JViews Framework
*Rogue Wave® JViews Diagrammer
*Rogue Wave® JViews Maps
Note that normally you only need to use jviews-tgo-all.jar, which contains all JViews TGO and CPL classes and data.
JAR file for all cases
Jar File
All the JViews TGO and CPL classes, as well as the data files used in JViews TGO and CPL (bitmaps, XML schemas, property files, default deployment descriptors).
JViews Framework ( jviews-framework-all.jar )
JViews Diagrammer ( jviews-diagrammer.jar )
JViews Maps ( jviews-maps-all.jar )
Xerces 2 ( xercesImpl-2.9.1.jar — available as an external library in JViews Framework)
These libraries use software internally that is provided under different public licenses.
*The number formatting capabilities in the ilog.views.util.text package make use of portions of the IBM® ICU4J software package.
*Apache™ licensed code is used to assist in encoding and decoding images, and in support for JavaFaces.
The following table lists additional jar dependencies for special cases.
JAR files for special cases
Jar File
JViews Framework Batik TIFF (batik-jviews-tiff-9.0.jar)
Required for the network and equipment components when using backgrounds that are composed of images (involving IlpImageBackground )
JViews Framework SVG Generation (batik-jviews-svggen-9.0.jar)
Required for the network and equipment components when using backgrounds that are composed of SVG files (involving IlpSVGBackground or IlpSVGZBackground )

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