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Programmer's documentation > Rogue Wave JViews Framework Advanced Features > Nested managers and nested graphers > Selection interactor in nested managers
Selection interactor in nested managers
The selection interactor (the class IlvSelectInteractor) allows you to select and edit objects interactively in a hierarchy of nested managers. Using this interactor, you can select objects in several managers that are part of the hierarchy of nested managers.
Selecting multiple objects
You can select several objects in one of these ways:
*Shift-Click each object
*Drag a rectangle around the objects
When you drag a rectangle, graphic objects that are inside the rectangle will be part of the selection even if the submanager that contains these objects is not fully inside the rectangle.
Moving a nested manager
To move a nested manager, click and drag in the background of the nested manager. You can start a multiple selection with a selection rectangle in one of these ways:
*Click and drag in the background of the view
*Click and drag in the background of a nested manager with the Control (Ctrl) key pressed.
In this case the Control key distinguishes between the beginning of dragging a selection rectangle and the beginning of a move operation on a manager.

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