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Programmer's documentation > Rogue Wave JViews Framework Essential Features > Graphers > Grapher interactor class
Grapher interactor class
The library provides several view interactors to create links with the mouse.
The IlvMakeLinkInteractor class is an interactor that allows a link of type IlvLinkImage to be created by selecting the origin and destination node.
This interactor can be customized so that it creates your own type of link. The link is created by the method makePolyPoint. This method uses the getFrom and getTo methods to determine the selected graphic objects:
protected IlvGraphic makePolyPoint(IlvPoint[] points)
  return new IlvLinkImage(getFrom(), getTo(), isOriented());
If you override this method, you must also override the method getLinkClass that returns the class of objects created by this interactor.
The class IlvMakePolyLinkInteractor is a subclass of the IlvMakeLinkInteractor class that allows you to create a link of class IlvPolylineLinkImage.

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