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Programmer's documentation > Developing with the JViews Diagrammer SDK > Printing
Printing facilities are fully predefined in the class IlvDiagrammerApplication. The use of these facilities in an application is explained in Printing the diagram from an IlvDiagrammerApplication instance in Using the Designer.
If you require more sophisticated printing facilities, you can retrieve the view, the grapher, and the printing controller for the diagram component and customize the printing framework. Note that the view and grapher are available at the SDM engine level. Therefore, proceed as follows:
1. Retrieve the SDM engine for the diagram component. You do this with the method getEngine:
myEngine = myDiagrammer.getEngine();
2. Retrieve the view and the grapher from the engine. You do this with the methods getReferenceView and getGrapher:
myView = myEngine.getReferenceView();
myGrapher = myEngine.getGrapher();
3. Retrieve the printing controller for the diagram component. You do this with the method getPrintingController.
4. You can now customize the printing framework work as described in Printing framework for manager content in the Advanced Features of JViews Framework.

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