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Programmer's documentation > Programming with JViews Maps > Creating a map application using the API
Creating a map application using the API
Describes how to create a map using the API.
*Presents the JViews Maps API.
*Creating data source objects
*Describes how to create data source objects for vector and raster data sources.
*Using data sources
*Describes how to use data sources.
*Clearing map data
*Explains how to clear map data.
*Developing a new data source
*Describes how to write to a data source
*Describes the classes provided for printing maps.
*Overview of multithreading
*Describes the use of multithreading.
*Using threads in tile loaders
*Explains how to load tiles asynchronously in separate threads for performance reasons.
*Using threads in data sources
*Explains how to start a data source in a separate thread so that you can check when it has started.
*Using the IlvThreadMonitor
*Explains how to monitor tasks running in separate threads.
*Generic code sample for creating a map
*Explains how to create a basic map using a generic code sample.
*Using readers
*Describes the predefined readers, the map loader for supported (predefined) formats, and how to write a new reader.
*Map GUI interactors
*Contains information about the GUI map interactors on the Map Builder toolbar.
*The See-Through interactor
*Describes the see-through interactor.
*Using the GUI beans
*Describes the JavaBeans™ for GUIs with maps.
*Handling map features
*Describes map features and how they are handled.
*Using load-on-demand
*Describes load-on-demand and how to use it.
*Manipulating renderers
*Describes the attributes of graphic objects that will be displayed and the use of renderers to transform map features to graphic objects.
*Handling spatial reference systems
*Describes various conversions.
*Pregenerating tiled images for a thin client
*Describes a class for thin clients.

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