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Developing with design tools > Using the Dashboard Editor > Programming the Dashboard Editor > Dashboard actions
Dashboard actions
IlvDashboardAction is a subclass of IlvDiagrammerAction. It inherits some actions available in a Diagrammer application. Some IlvDiagrammerAction s are based on methods found in the IlvDiagrammer class. The redefinition of the corresponding methods in IlvDashboardDiagram changes the behavior of the inherited methods.
The following new actions have been added for dashboard diagrams:
*Importing a dashboard diagram file
*Sending the selected object to the top position in its layer
*Moving the selected object up one position in the stacking order of its layer
*Moving the selected object down one position in the stacking order of its layer
*Sending the selected object to the bottom position in its layer
*Saving the current dashboard document as a new file
*Saving the current dashboard document
*Opening an existing dashboard document
The following code example shows how to extend a dashboard application to have a new menu item.
Extending a dashboard application
IlvDiagrammerAction.Handler userManualHandler =
      new IlvDiagrammerAction.Handler()
  public void perform(IlvDiagrammerAction action,
                            IlvDiagrammer diagrammer,
                            ActionEvent event)
  throws Exception {
  public void update(IlvDiagrammerAction action,
                           IlvDiagrammer diagrammer)
          throws Exception {
  public void popUserManual() {

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