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Developing with design tools > Using the Designer > Using more Designer features > Loading a different style sheet
Loading a different style sheet
The style sheet saved as part of a project can be changed without changing the data. Note, however, that if styling is applied according to attributes of the data model, a different style sheet might not be appropriate for the data.
Open the genealogy example which you created in Getting started by clicking File > Open and selecting the appropriate project file if it is not already open.
NOTE You can use File > Open to open only project files, not any other type of file.
To load a different style sheet:
1. Click File > Apply Style Sheet and browse to select one of the genealogy style sheets.
These effectively represent different stages of customization and all can be applied to the genealogy data. If you select a style sheet that was not designed for the data, the effects are unpredictable.
A dialog box is displayed asking you if you want to replace the existing style rules with the new style sheet or if you want to append the new style sheet to the existing rules.
2. Click Replace.
3. Click File > Close to close the diagram.
4. If you are prompted to save your changes, click No so that you do not overwrite the previous settings.

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