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Developing with design tools > Using the Map Builder > Writing an application > Creating a read-only map application
Creating a read-only map application
The following application is provided in the directory <installdir> /jviews-maps/samples/loadmap/index.html as part of the JViews Maps demonstration software. This is a simple case where the application loads a previously saved, read-only map in .ivl format, and displays it in the Map Builder main window. A map of this type can be built using the Map Builder or the JViews Maps API:
1. Import the required packages and classes:
import ilog.views.IlvManagerView;
import ilog.views.maps.IlvCoordinateSystemProperty;
import ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvJMouseCoordinateViewer;
import ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapLegend;
import ilog.views.maps.srs.coordsys.IlvGeographicCoordinateSystem;
import ilog.views.swing.IlvJManagerViewControlBar;
import ilog.views.swing.IlvJScrollManagerView;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
2. Create the basic building blocks of the Map Builder: create a frame containing the map beans, set it to exit when the Close button is pressed, set up the beans, and arrange the main window layout:
public class LoadMapDemo extends JFrame {
   IlvManagerView view=new IlvManagerView();
   IlvJScrollManagerView viewScroll=new IlvJScrollManagerView(view);
   IlvJManagerViewControlBar viewToolbar = new IlvJManagerViewControlBar();
   IlvJMouseCoordinateViewer locator=new IlvJMouseCoordinateViewer();
   IlvMapLegend legend=new IlvMapLegend();
public LoadMapDemo() {
   view.setSize(new Dimension(900, 450));
   loadFile("data/county.ivl"); //$NON-NLS-1$
3. Load the file into the manager of the view:
public void loadFile(String filename){
   try {
      IlvMapInputStream mapInput = new IlvMapInputStream(filename);;
   } catch(Exception ex){
4. Write the main method:
static public void main(String args[]) {
    new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        final JFrame frame = new LoadMapDemo();

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