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Glossaries > JViews Gantt Glossary > R
Booking usage of a resource for the duration of an activity. In the terminology of Rogue Wave JViews Gantt, a reservation represents the allocation of one resource to one activity.
reservation graphic
In a Schedule chart, an instance of the class IlvReservationGraphic (itself a subclass of IlvActivityGraphic) to represent reservation on the rows of the Gantt sheet.See also activity graphic.
Means that enable an activity to be completed: persons, premises, equipment, and so forth. See also child resource, leaf resource, parent resource.
Resource Data chart
A Cartesian xy chart that displays numerical information related to the activities to which a resource is assigned against time. By default, it shows the number of activities simultaneously assigned to a resource as the loading of a resource, but can be customized to show other types of numerical data.
root activity
The top level of the hierarchical tree of activities.
root resource
The top level of the hierarchical tree of resources.

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