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Glossaries > JViews Gantt Glossary > P
parent activity
An activity with at least one child activity.
parent resource
A resource with at least one child resource.
(CSS.) The process of analyzing a selector to find the model objects to which a style rule applies.
PERT chart
A time and activity chart used to plan, analyze, and monitor large programs. The chart denotes when events will happen and the relationships between activities. It shows all the interdependencies.
print framework
A package of classes that help you to print and preview data.
The combination of a style sheet and a data source identified in a project file ( .igpr file), in XML format.
(CSS.) A named characteristic of a graphic object to which you can assign values.
(CSS.) A CSS construct in a selector. A pseudo-class is a word preceded by a colon (:). It represents a state given by the execution context and not by the underlying data model or the structure of the document.
(CSS.) A CSS construct in a selector. A pseudo-element is a word preceded by a colon (:). It represents a state given by the structure of the document and not by the underlying data model or the execution context.

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