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Glossaries > JViews Gantt Glossary > C
child activity
A subactivity that depends on a parent activity. See also activity, parent activity.
child resource
A resource that depends on a parent resource. See also resource, parent resource.
collapsed data node
A parent data node that hides its child nodes. See also expanded data node.
(CSS) A single character that separates two element patterns.
A condition set between two activities whereby one activity depends on the other. Constraints are represented by an arrowed polyline object. See also end to end, end to start, From activity, start to end, start to start, To activity.
constraint graphic
In a Gantt chart, an instance of the class IlvConstraintGraphic used to represent a constraint between two activities.
Cascading Style Sheets. A mechanism for adding style, such as fonts, colors, spacing, to Web documents. The CSS language is specified by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendations. Full Recommendations exist for CSS level 1 and level 2.
CSS class
An optional part of a selector. A CSS class is a word preceded by a dot (.), which represents a user-defined type to be used in pattern-matching.
CSS for Java
(CSS) A proprietary translation of CSS2 by Rogue Wave to make it available for styling Java™ objects.
Cascading Style Sheets, level 2. A style sheet language that allows authors to attach style to structured documents, such as HTML documents or XML applications. CSS2 separates the presentation style from the content and thus simplifies Web authoring and site maintenance.

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