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Programmer's documentation > Building Web Applications > Interoperability with third party Web technologies > Supporting JSF 2
Supporting JSF 2
The JViews Web technologies provide fundamental support to Sun™ JSF 2.0 Reference Implementation with following capabilities:
*JViews JSF components work under Sun JSF 2.0 reference implementation run time.
*JViews JSF components support custom component features in JSF 2.
*JViews JSF components support Facelets 2 technologies in JSF 2.
*JViews JSF components support JSF2 Partial Page Rendering technology without using the <f:ajax> tag.
NOTE JViews Web technologies have their own Ajax implementation and do not therefore use the JSF 2 Ajax mechanism. When both JViews JSF components and other JSF 2 components are used on the same page, Ajax requests sent from JViews components do not enter the JSF 2 Ajax queue and are not managed by the JSF 2 Ajax mechanism.
Prerequisites for using JSF 2
To enable the JViews component to support JSF 2 run time, you must add the JSF 2 specific jar to your application classpath. For example:
classpath=jviews-jsf2-facelets-support.jar; jviews-xxx-all.jar
Using JViews JSF components to trigger the partial page rendering feature of JSF 2
JViews provides a new JSF 2 specific Facelets interactor called the ajaxInteractor to allow you to trigger the partial page rendering (PPR) feature of JSF 2 without using the <f:ajax> tag.
The ajaxInteractor allows you to trigger PPR actions to other JSF 2 components that you specify. When the user clicks a view that has an ajaxInteractor attached to it, a jsf.ajax.request() query is sent and JSF 2 components with specified IDs are re-rendered without the need to refresh the entire page.
The ID of this component.
The IDs of the components to be rendered by the ajaxInteractor. This component sends a jsf.ajax.request() query to enable the JSF 2 to re-render the specified components.
Separate multiple IDs to be rendered with a space.
Before you can use the ajaxInteractor, you must ensure that the JSF 2 Ajax JavaScript library has been imported on your page.
The following code example shows how you can import the JSF 2 Ajax JavaScript library:
<h:outputScript name="jsf.js" library="javax.faces" target="head" />
The ajaxInteractor can be combined with any other interactor by using the interactorGroup.
The following code example shows how the ajaxInteractor can be combined with other interactors:
<html xmlns=""
   xmlns:jv="" >
   <h:form prependId="false" id="helloForm">
      <h:outputScript name="jsf.js" library="javax.faces" target="head" />
      <h:outputText id="out1" value="#{count1.number}" />
      <h:outputText id="out2" value="#{count1.number}" />
      <jvf:objectSelectInteractor id="select"
          invocationContext="IMAGE_SERVLET_CONTEXT" />
      <jv:ajaxInteractor id="ajax" render="out1 out2" />
      <jv:interactorGroup id="interactorGroup" interactors="select ajax" />
      <jvf:view id="view" style="width:500px;height:300px"
          view="#{frameworkBean.view}" interactorId="interactorGroup" />
Using JSF 2 components to render JViews JSF components
To render JViews components, wrap the JViews component with a JSF container tag, for example, h:panelGrid and render the id of this panelGrid.
<h:commandButton id="button1" value="diagrammer"
   onclick="jsf.ajax.request(this,event,{render:'diagrammer_panelgrid'});return false;" />
<h:panelGrid id="diagrammer_panelgrid">
   <jvdf:diagrammerView id="diagrammer"
      style="width:500px;height:300px" data="/data/molecule.idpr"/>

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