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Programmer's documentation > Building Web Applications > Interoperability with third party Web technologies > Session persistence
Session persistence
Web servers often implement a session persistence mechanism used typically for traditional server clustering and failover techniques.
Often, the JViews JSF components are not serializable as they pertain to view-related abstractions which typically cannot be persistent and are stored in the HTTP session.
In order to prevent the typical serialization warnings derived from this mismatch, you can disable the session serialization mechanism for the JViews JSF based application.
To disable session persistence in TOMCAT at Web application level:
1. Create a file context.xml and place it in the META-INF directory of your .war file.
2. Use a TOMCAT configuration setting to disable the session serialization mechanism.
   <Context path="/your-application-path">
   <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager"
1. All the JViews JSF samples already have this session serialization setting disabled for TOMCAT at this level.
2. These settings apply to TOMCAT 7.0 and later.
To disable session persistence in TOMCAT at Web server level:
*Modify the TOMCAT/conf/context.xml to use this as the Session Manager definition.
<Manager pathname=""/>
NOTE These settings apply to TOMCAT 7.0 and later.
For more details on these settings see the TOMCAT configuration documentation.
For details on how to disable session serialization with your Web server, see the server’s configuration documentation.

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