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Programmer's documentation > Advanced globalization > Base text direction: in the JViews Gantt SDK
Base text direction: in the JViews Gantt SDK
At the level of the Gantt chart
This level includes the entire activity-based Gantt chart, resource-based Gantt chart (Schedule chart), or Resource Data chart. The default base text direction of each type of Gantt chart can be set programmatically by changing the property of the current instance. For example:
Activity-based Gantt chart
// A Gantt chart that displays activities.
IlvGanttChart chart = new IlvGanttChart();
Resource-based Gantt chart (Schedule chart)
// A Gantt chart that displays reservations of resources.
IlvScheduleChart chart = new IlvScheduleChart();
Resource Data chart
// A Resource Data chart displays time-based numerical data obtained from the reservations.
IlvResourceDataChart chart = new IlvResourceDataChart()
The same result can be achieved by adding the code for the following selector to the CSS file:
chart {
  baseTextDirection : "Right-To-Left";

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