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Programmer's documentation > Developing with the JViews Charts SDK > Integrating a chart customizer into your application > Property editors
Property editors
The chart customizer uses special property editors for some types, such as Boolean, Integer, Double, Date, Point, Font, Color. These may collide with the look and feel of other parts of your application.
By default, when you use a chart customizer,Rogue Wave® JViews Charts installs these property editors in the global property editor registry, in the class java.beans.PropertyEditorManager. As a consequence, other parts of your application will get the Rogue Wave JViews look and feel.
If you want to prevent this, you can set the system property ilog.propagatesPropertyEditors to false. By doing this, your application will not be affected by the Rogue Wave JViews look and feel, but the chart customizer will keep using this look and feel. To set the system property ilog.propagatesPropertyEditors to false you can either use the command line option
or call System.setProperty("ilog.propagatesPropertyEditors", "false") before instantiating any chart customizer.

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