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Programmer's documentation > Developing with the JViews Charts SDK > Introducing the Main Classes > Data Model Classes
Data Model Classes
The data model is defined by two distinct interfaces: IlvDataSet and IlvDataSource. The IlvDataSet interface acts as a data holder. The objects that implement this interface manage data as a set of data points, and provide the required Application Programming Interface (API) to fetch and modify data. An abstract implementation of this interface called IlvAbstractDataSet is provided in the library as well as several concrete implementations.
The IlvDataSource interface acts as a data set source. It handles a collection of data sets and provides the required API to access them.The implementation of this interface allows you to import data from an external package (for example a database, an XML file, and so on) into the JViews Charts library. An abstract implementation called IlvAbstractDataSource is provided in the library as a starting point for your own custom implementation. A memory-based implementation is provided by the IlvDefaultDataSource class.
Data Model Classes

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