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Programmer's documentation > Developing with the JViews Gantt SDK > Resource Data charts > Comparing the Resource Data chart with Rogue Wave JViews Charts
Comparing the Resource Data chart with Rogue Wave JViews Charts
Because the Resource Data chart encapsulates an IlvChart instance, much of the IlvResourceDataChart API and behavior is the same as that of IlvChart. Therefore, a basic understanding of the Rogue Wave® JViews Charts SDK is necessary for understanding the Resource Data chart, and is assumed for this chapter. The primary areas of difference are in how data is bound to the charts for display and how time is displayed along the x-axis.
The following table compares the differences between the Resource Data chart and Rogue Wave JViews Charts.
Connecting to Data
Connect an IlvDataSource to an IlvChartRenderer Implementation. Then add the chart renderer to the chart.
Connect an IlvGanttModel implementation to the chart. Optionally, you can change the resources that are displayed by calling the setResourceDisplayMode and displayResource methods
Chart Types
Cartesian, polar, radar, or pie
Cartesian only
Multiple, one for each data source.
One, connected to the single internal data source that represents the displayed resources.
X-Axis and Scale
X Value Type
Milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
Date object
X Grid

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