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Getting started > Introducing JViews Gantt > Architecture of JViews Gantt > Overview
Rogue Wave® JViews Gantt is based on the Swing variant of the Model-View-Controller model called Separable Model Architecture. In this design, the model manages the data or the values represented by the chart component, while the view manages the graphical representation of the model and handles interactions with it.
The use of this design in JViews Gantt allows you to have a clear distinction between the data model that handles the sets of data through data sources and data display that draws the graphical representation of data.
JViews Gantt features three high-level chart components, called the Gantt chart, Schedule chart, and Resource Data chart. The chart components encapsulate the Gantt library API and provide a high-level interface to its capabilities. For convenience, the chart display components are provided in the form of JavaBeans®.
Binding a chart bean to the data model enables the chart to display the contents of the data model.

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