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Glossaries > JViews Diagrammer Glossary > D
In Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer, an instance of the class IlvDashboardDiagram. It is an extension of the diagram component that manages a collection of symbols and links. Use the Dashboard Editor to develop dashboards and the Dashboard API to display dashboards in Swing applications.
Dashboard API
In Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer, the ilog.views.dashboard package. This collection of classes is used to develop Dashboard Editor applications and add dashboards to Swing applications.
Dashboard Editor
The GUI supplied for developing a dashboard.
data model
The interface with which business objects must comply to be represented in a diagram. The data model may make use of your business objects directly or require a transformation of them. One major feature of Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer is that the data model is separated from the visualization part.
data source
A container of data supported by Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer, such that all or part of the data can be loaded into the Designer and used in a diagram. Examples of data sources are a Microsoft® Access® database, a CSV (comma-separated values) file, an XML file in diagram format.
(CSS) The elements of the right side of a style rule. The declaration set is enclosed within curly brackets. Each declaration is a property-value pair. Each property-value pair ends with a semi-colon. A property-value pair sets a rendering property on a graphic object that represents a model object.
The degree of a node v of a graph G is the number of graph edges which touch v.
The GUI supplied for developing a diagram component.
diagram component
In Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer, an instance of the class IlvDiagrammer. This is a Swing component used to manage a diagram. It contains a grapher that manages a collection of nodes and links, and a view to display the diagram. The nodes in a diagram are represented by symbols.
diagram format
The set of XML elements used by the Designer to save data in an XML file. The Designer can load XML files that are in this format directly.
double buffering
The rendering technique of first drawing to an offscreen image (back buffer), and when the image is complete, copying the offscreen image to the screen (front buffer). See also triple buffering.

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