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BPMN features > Integrating BPMN facilities > Integrating BPMN support into a graphical application > The BPMN style sheet
The BPMN style sheet
The BPMN Style Sheet is available for you to examine at <installdir>/jviews-diagrammer/data/bpmn/bpmn.css. Any files that it refers to are in the same directory. It defines the appearances and behavior of the BPMN objects. In addition to the definition of graphic properties for the objects (such as foreground color, line width), the style sheet defines the structure of the graphic objects. The nodes of the graph are represented by composite graphics, and the composition of these objects is specified in the style sheet.
The following code example shows the style rule that sets the foreground color of the Intermediate Events to blue.
A style rule that sets a property value
#intermediate {
    foreground : "blue";
The BPMN Style Sheet is also in a JAR file; in fact, the BPMN Modeler sample makes use of the style sheet in the JAR file.

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