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BPMN features > Integrating BPMN facilities > Integrating BPMN support into a graphical application > BPMN interactors
BPMN interactors
You use the BPMN-specific interactors through the BPMN-specific factory, IlvBPMNSDMUtilitiesFactory. This factory is derived from IlvSDMUtilitiesFactory. It redefines the methods createMakeSDMNodeInteractor and createMakeSDMLinkInteractor.
The createMakeSDMNodeInteractor method returns an IlvBPMNMakeSDMNodeInteractor object, derived from IlvMakeSDMNodeInteractor. This interactor is used to create all BPMN objects except flows.
The createMakeSDMLinkInteractor methods returns IlvBPMNMakeSDMLinkInteractor object, derived from IlvMakeSDMLinkInteractor. This interactor is used to create BPMN flows.
The following figure illustrates the BPMN interactors class relationships.
BPMN interactors class relationships
The following code example shows how to set a BPMN factory for an IlvDiagrammer object. The constructor this is an instance of an IlvBPMNModeler object.
Setting a BPMN factory
IlvDiagrammer diagrammer = new IlvDiagrammer();
diagrammer.getView().setUtilitiesFactory(new IlvBPMNSDMUtilitiesFactory(this));

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