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Samples and code examples > Starting the samples > Running the server-side samples on Apache Tomcat > Building the samples for another Apache Tomcat Web server
Building the samples for another Apache Tomcat Web server
If you want to use another Tomcat Web server, you can build a complete .jar file for the sample.
You can proceed in one of two ways:
*Depending on your system, edit the file (on Linux) or build.bat (on Windows) replacing the string build with build.complete.
*If Ant is in your path, run the ant -f build.xml build.complete command-line instruction.
An Ant executable is provided in jviews-framework\tools\apache-ant-1.9.9.
Either of these procedures generates a larger .war file that contains all the .jar files necessary to deploy the .war on a standard Tomcat installation, without using shared libraries. For more details about deploying this .war file, refer to your Tomcat user guide.

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