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Programmer's documentation > Essential Features > Graphers
Describes how to use graphers, which are higher-level classes, to create graphic programs that include and present large numbers of dynamic graphic objects.
*The grapher
*Describes the grapher, a high-level Rogue Wave JViews functionality.
*Managing nodes and links
*Introduces nodes and links and explains how to manage the nodes and links in a grapher.
*Contact points
*Describes the default contact points on a node for attaching links and how to define link connectors and pins to specify different contact points.
*Class diagram for graphers
*Describes the relationships between grapher-related classes with a class diagram.
*Grapher interactor class
*Describes how to use the grapher interactor class.
*Creating a new class of link
*Explains how to create a new class of link with an example.
*Link shapes and crossing
*Explains the support provided for link shape policies and link crossings.

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