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Glossaries > JViews Web Applications Glossary > R
A set of pixels that have the same index in the Hitmap so that the Hitmap can divide the screen into multiple regions. In the API, a region is most often represented by an integer, therefore some methods have an “int region” parameter. When grouping is used, it combines several regions into a single region: the combined region is encoded by a different “int” value.
region information
With relation to Hitmap, the (semantic) information associated to a single region, usually for a single ““infoType””.
representation model
A representation model is a container for representation objects. It is used to produce the graphic objects in the view. The representation model manages the behavior and data of the application domain, responds to requests for information about its state (coming usually from the view), and responds to instructions to change its state (usually issued by the controller).
representation object
A representation object provides the minimal data and structure information required for generating graphic objects, but is totally independent of a particular graphic rendering. More specifically, it does not contain graphic-related information. A representation object is specifically designed to work with a particular graphic component (table, tree, network, and so on) for which it provides a default implementation. A representation object can be linked to a business object, if any, but not necessarily.
See representation model.

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