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Programmer's documentation > Building Web Applications > Developing JViews Charts JavaScript Web applications > Adding support for custom image formats
Adding support for custom image formats
The generation of the image in a specific format is performed by means of the image encoders. The IlvChartServletSupport class defines the image encoder objects through the IlvImageEncoder interface. This interface defines the behavior of a class that can encode an image onto an HttpServletResponse. To generate JPEG and PNG images the JViews Charts library provides two implementations of the IlvImageEncoder interface: the IlvJPEGEncoder and IlvPNGEncoder classes.
To add support for another image format, follow these steps:
1. Write a new implementation of the IlvImageEncoder interface that encodes an image in the given output format.
2. Register it on the IlvChartServletSupport class so that the new format can be recognized as a supported format. Registering a new image encoder is done by means of the following method: setImageEncoder.

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