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Programmer's documentation > Building Web Applications > JViews Web technology architecture > JViews desktop applications versus JViews Web applications
JViews desktop applications versus JViews Web applications
Rogue Wave® JViews is a powerful toolkit that enables the development of both Java desktop applications and Web applications. It is important to know that both  JViews desktop applications and JViews Web applications share the same graphic engine.
JViews desktop applications are Java Swing/JFC applications and the rendered graphic views are displayed on standalone screens. The development cycle, (design/coding/debugging/testing) is faster.
JViews Web applications distribute graphic views to Web browsers through networks. The development cycle is much slower than for desktop applications.
The following tips make the Web development less arduous:
*Prepare your graphic views first with JViews desktop applications. For example, if you want to show a special diagram that requires some customized nodes or links that are not shipped with JViews. You can prepare these nodes and links with JViews desktop applications and test them with a simple desktop application before placing the diagram in a Web context where debugging and tuning take much longer.
*Use the JViews desktop tools such as the Designers and the Symbol Editor to create self-contained JViews projects. These projects can be distributed on the Web using JViews standard Web components. Many JViews JSF samples use this technique.

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