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Getting started > Introducing JViews Charts > Basic concepts > Decorations
A chart can have the following decorations:
*Data indicators
Data indicators that graphically represent the values of data points or a given data interval in the chart area. For example, you can decorate the chart by highlighting the week-end period using a data indicator which represents a data interval equal to the week-end period. The indicators are of the following type:
A range indicator along the x-axis.
A range indicator along the y-axis.
A value along the x-axis.
A value along the y-axis.
A data window.
*Annotations that display the values on a scale.
*Labels linked to given data points.
*An image within the plotting area of the chart.
An image can be drawn according to three different modes:
*TILED: The image is drawn as a replicated pattern in the plot area.
*SCALED: The image is scaled so that it fills the plot area.
*ANCHORED: The image is drawn at a fixed position.
Decorations are drawn according to a drawing order. The drawing order lets you control the position of a given decoration in the drawing queue of a chart.
Decorations are handled as an ordered list according to the decorations drawing order: decorations with the lowest drawing order are drawn first, decorations with the highest drawing order are drawn last.

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