JViews 1.1 Release Notes
This document describes the changes that have been made to JViews since version 1.0.
General Changes
The library is now packaged in only one JAR (Java ARchive) file named jviews.jar.
Library Changes
Graphic Objects
- New graphic objects:
- IlvGraphicHandle
- IlvTransformedGraphic
- IlvFixedSizeGraphic
- IlvShadowRectangle
- IlvShadowLabel
- IlvMarker
- New type of link for the grapher:
Object Interactors
- New object interactor: IlvButtonInteractor
- Cut and Paste objects in a manager.
- The ManagerContentsChangedEvent now has a type that gives information about the type of modifications.
- New method swapLayers to swap two layers.
- New method getManagerLayer(int) to retrieve the IlvManagerLayer from the layer index.
- Ability to install a magnetic grid on a view (class IlvGrid).
View Interactors
- New interactor IlvEditLabelInteractor allows you to create and edit a labeled object.
- A factory can be installed in the IlvMakeLinkInteractor, IlvMakeRectangleInteractor, and IlvMakePolyPointsInteractor
to change the class of the graphic object that is created.
- Some view interactors can now be used in two modes: permanent or non-permanent mode. The non-permanent mode
is the mode where the action can be performed only once, the interactor removes itself from the view when the action
is finished. In the permanent mode the action can be done several time until the interactor is removed from the
view. This mechanism is installed in interactors implementing the IlvPermanentInteractorInterface.
- Since new graphic objects defined in Views C++ are present in JViews, this class can now read more .ilv files.
Some automatic conversions have been installed: this class will now automatically transform the instances of IlvZoomableIcon,
IlvTransparentIcon, and IlvZoomableTransparentIcon of Views in the IlvIcon class of JViews.
- You can now specify a path (method setIlvPath) where the class will look for the image files. This
path is similar to the ILVPATH environment variable of Views.
- New methods such as skipWhiteSpace, read, and peek allow you to read more easily
your objects saved with Views.
- Information about layers saved in the .ivl file is now taken into account.
- The reader supports more color names. Since too many color names can be generated in an .ilv file, a color name
converter can be installed on an IlvCPPInputStream.
- You can now specify the default handle color and size.
- Some new factory interfaces: IlvRectangularObjectFactory, IlvPolyPointsObjectFactory, IlvLinkImageFactory,
- A new interface to be implemented by graphic objects that display a label: IlvLabelInterface.
Demonstrations Changes
- New demo that shows how to import an ESRI Shape formatted file in a manager.
Editor Changes
- IlvEdit now uses the default system colors for its components.
- New toolbar for editing operations such as open, save, and so on.
- Ability to create more types of objects: icons, labels, ellipses, shadow labels, and shadow rectangles.
- Ability to edit the objects with a label.
- Ability to set a magnetic grid on the editing workspace.
- New User Manual.
Documentation Changes
- New chapter on printing the contents of a manager in the User Manual.
- New chapter on Views C++ and JViews in the User Manual.
- New User Manual for IlvEdit.
Bug Fixes
- Calling IlvManager.removeObject on an IlvComponentGraphic now removes the component from
its parent.
- An IlvArrowLine or IlvArrowPolyline with an arrow position smaller than 1 no longer changes
the size of the arrow.
- Fixed NullPointerException when saving an IlvPolypoint with no point.
- In IlvOutputStream, saving a string containing a special character such as \ is now possible.
- IlvUtil.degreesToRadians has been fixed. It was doing radiansToDegrees in version 1.0.
- IlvCPPInputStream.readTransformer is now correct. The method was inverting the x12 and x21
of the matrix.
- Allows you to read class names with an _ in the IlvCPPInputStream.