Release Notes

JViews 5.0 Stylable Data Mapper Release Notes

This document describes the main changes that have been made to the JViews Stylable Data Mapper (SDM) Module since version 4.0. 

General Changes
Library Changes
Changes in CSS
Changes in the Workflow Modeler
Examples Changes


General Changes

The main general changes are the following:

Library Changes

New Classes


The class IlvLabelLayoutRenderer is a filtering renderer that applies an "annealing" label layout algorithm to the labels of a graph.
The class IlvSubGraphRenderer is a filtering renderer that displays subgraphs of the SDM data model as submanagers, that is, IlvGrapher objects added as graphic objects in the parent IlvGrapher.
A bean to handle Color, GradientPaint, or IlvTexture, which is compatible with SDM style sheets.
A bean to handle java.awt.BasicStroke, which is compatible with SDM style sheets.
Modified Classes



ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvDecorationRenderer ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvSDMRenderer (and subclasses)

Changes in the CSS / Style Sheet renderer

The main changes in CSS are:

Changes in the Workflow Modeler

The main changes in the Workflow Modeler are the following:

Examples Changes

New Examples

New Workflow Monitoring Example