JViews 4.0 Gantt Release Notes
This document describes the main changes that have been made to the JViews Gantt
module since version 3.5.
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed:
- The Gantt demos did not run properly in Netscape 6 or with the plug-in. This is due to
JavaSoft bug #4155617, which prevents custom L&Fs from being loaded by the plug-in. A
workaround has been added to demos/gantt/charts/AbstractExample.java
that explicitly specifies the Swing class loader.
- If an IlvScheduleChart had a data model with no
activities defined, then using an IlvMakeActivityInteractor
to create a reservation would throw an NPE.
- An IlvActivityLabel would sometimes redraw
incorrectly when the property being displayed was changed.
- IlvAbstractStringProperty.isPropertyChangedEvent()
returned the wrong result.