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_ A C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Z


abortDraggingAbort dragging of the selection.
addAdds the specified menu item to this menu.
addBeforeImageOnLoadListenerAdds a listener to be called when the dynamic layer view has loaded a new image, but the image is not currently visible.
addButtonAdds a button to the toolbar at the specified index.
addCapabilitiesLoadListenerAdds a listener to be called when the capabilities have been loaded.
addCapabilitiesLoadListenerAdds a listener to be called when the capabilities have been loaded.
addCapabilitiesLoadListenerAdds a listener to be called when the capabilities have been loaded.
addCapabilitiesOnLoadListenerAdds a listener to be called when the capabilities have been loaded.
addCapabilitiesOnLoadListenerAdds a listener to be called when the capabilities have been loaded.
addDataWindowAdds the specified data window.
addErrorListenerAdds a listener to be called when an error occurs during the current request for an image from the server.
addErrorListenerAdds a listener to be called when an error occurs during the current request to the server.
addErrorListenerAdds a listener to be called when an error occurs for the current request.
addImageLoadingListenerAdds a listener to be called when the view has begun loading a new image.
addImageLoadListenerAdds a listener to be called when the view has loaded a new image.
addImageOnLoadListenerAdds a listener to be called when the dynamic layer view has loaded a new image.
addImageOnLoadListenerAdds a listener to be called when the view has loaded a new image.
addImagePreloadListenerAdds a listener to be called when the view has loaded a new image, but before the new image is made visible.
addInteractorAdds an interactor to the group.
addInteractorListenerAdds a listener to be called when an interactor has changed on the view.
addInteractorListenerAdds a listener to be called when an interactor has changed on the view
addInteractorListenerAdds a listener to be called when an interactor has changed on the view
addIntervalAdds the given interval.
addRectangleDraggedListenerAdds a listener that is called every time a rectangle is dragged.
addRectangleDraggedListenerAdds a listener that is called every time a rectangle was dragged.
addRectangleDraggedListenerAdds a listener that is called every time a rectangle was dragged.
addRequestParametersInternal implementation.
addScrollListenerAdds a listener to be called when the view has been scrolled.
addSelectionChangedListenerAdd a listener which is called when the selection has changed.
addSizeListenerAdds a listener to be called when the view is resized.
addTimeoutErrorListenerAdds a listener to be called when a timeout has occurred during the current request for an image from the server.
addTimeoutErrorListenerAdds a listener to be called when a time-out has occurred during the current request to the server.
addTimeoutErrorListenerAdds a listener to be called when a timeout has been reached for the current request.
addValueAdds the given value to this interval.
addValueListenerAdds a listener to be called when the scroll bar's value is changed.
addValuesAdds the specified coordinates.
afterLayoutHandlerHandler called after the layout is done.
applyToAllApplies a function to all rectangles.
applyToAllLinkApplies a function to all selection link.
asyncDisplayPopupMenuSecond part of the displayPopupMenu method.


callDisposeDisposes all user objects that have been registered by calling the IlvObject.prototype.registerDispose method.
canPanIndicates if the overview can pan or not.
CARTESIANThe type for a CARTESIAN chart.
centerAtQueries new images centered at the specified point.
centerAtQueries a new image centered at the specified point.
childrenToHTMLCreates the HTML for this component's children.
childrenToHTMLCreates the HTML for this component's child views.
childrenToHTMLCreates the HTML for this component's children.
childrenToHTMLCreates the HTML for this toolbar's children.
childrenToHTMLCreates the HTML for this component's child views.
childrenToHTMLCreates the HTML for this component's children.
childrenToHTMLCreates the HTML for this component's children.
clampClamps the specified value to this interval.

Warning: This method is considered to be part of the IlvGlassView internal implementation, it is not a public API.

clipAllReset the clip rectangle of all selection rectangles to match the new size of the view.
cloneReturns a copy of this data interval.
collapseCollapses this menu and every child.
commitSelectionPropertiesCommits potential modifications of the selection objects properties to the server.
commitSelectionPropertiesCommits potential modifications of the selection objects properties to the server.
computeChildrenSizeCompute and sets the size of the children using the getPreferredSize method.
computeHeightComputes and returns the height of this toolbar in pixels.
computeWidthComputes and returns the width of this toolbar in pixels.
containsReturns whether the given point is contained in this data window.
containsReturns whether the given interval is included within this interval.
containsDataSetTells whether this data source contains the specified data set.

Warning: This method is considered to be part of the IlvGlassView internal implementation, it is not a public API.

createCreates the pop-up menu by decoding the data sent by the servlet.
createCapabilitiesRequestURLCreates the HTTP request for capabilities.
createCapabilitiesRequestURLCreates the HTTP request for capabilities.
createCapabilitiesRequestURLCreates the HTTP request for capabilities.
createCapabilitiesRequestURLCreates the HTTP request for capabilities.
createHitmapRequestURLCreates the URL for requesting a hitmap.
createHTMLContentGenerates the HTML representation of this menu item.
createImageMapRequestURLCreates the URL for generating an image map.
createImageMapRequestURLCreates the URL for generating an image map.
createImageMapRequestURLCreates the URL for generating an image map.
createImageRequestURLCreates the URL for the image request.
createImageRequestURLCreates the URL for the image request.
createRequestURLCreates the URL for the image request.
createRequestURLCreates the URL for the image request.
createRequestURLEach subclass must implement this method.
createRequestURLReturns the request URL to query a dynamic pop-up menu (used by the factory).
createRequestURLReturns the request URL to query a dynamic pop-up menu (used by the factory).
currentImageThe image for the button showing the current zoom level.


DEFAULT_UNDEF_VALUEA default undefined value equal to Double.MIN_VALUE.
deleteSelectionActivates an action that manages deleting the selected objects.
deselectAllQueries a deselection of all the selected objects.

Displays the message in this message box.

displayMethodsDisplays a dialog box that lists the methods of an object.
displayPopupMenuDisplays a pop-up menu in a thin client.
displayPopupMenuSends a request to display a pop-up menu in a thin client.
displayPropertiesDisplays a dialog box that lists the properties of an object.
disposeDisposes the proxy instance.
disposeDisposes of all resources being used by the panel.
disposeDisposes of all resources being used by this object.
disposeDisposes of all resources being used by the view.
disposeDisposes of all resources being used by the view.
disposeDisposes of all resources being used by the panel.
disposeReleases the cookie holding the current image request.
disposeDisposes of all resources being used by the view.
disposeDisposes of all resources being used by the button.
disposeByClientIdDispose the proxy instance by clientId from IlvObject.disposeProxyInstances
doClickSimulates a mouse click on the button.
doClickThis method is invoked when the user clicks the button.
doInstallThis method is invoked when the button is pressed.
doPanPerforms the pan.
doSelectPerforms a selection at the specified mouse click.
downImageThe image for zooming in when the tool is vertical.
drawDraws the given selected link.


emptyEmpties this interval.
enableHitmapMake legend view hit map feature enable.
enhanceEventThis method returns an Event suitable for the IlvGlassView coordinate system from the given Event coming from the browser event system.
equalsReturns whether this data interval is equal to the specified data interval.
equalsReturns whether this data window is equal to the specified data window.
evaluatorToHTMLCreates the HTML for the debug evaluator.
expandExpands the interval from the given value.


findByIdReturns the selection rectangle that corresponds to the selected object with the given id, null if none is found.


getAsynchronously sends GET requests to the server that can be sending back data fragments.
getAbsoluteBoundsReturns the absolute bounds of the DHTML object.
getAbsoluteIdReturns the absolute identifier of the server side JavaServer Faces component.
getActionReturns the action to trigger when this menu item is selected.
getActionReturns the action to be triggered each time this button is pressed.
getActionNameReturns the action name.
getActionNameReturns the name of the action to perform on the server side.
getActionNameReturns the action name.
getActionNameReturns the name of the action to perform on the server side.
getAgainParamReturns a time stamp parameter for the requests.
getAutoRefreshReturns the autorefresh mode of the overview.
getAutoSubmitReturns the auto submit mode.
getBackgroundColorReturns the background color of the view.
getBackgroundColorReturns the background color of the toolbar.
getBackgroundColorReturns the background color.
getBackgroundColorReturns the background color of the generated image, if defined.
getBackgroundColorReturns the background color of the generated image, or null if not specified.
getBackgroundImageReturns the background image of the toolbar.
getBaseTextDirectionreturn the baseTextDirection.
getBaseTextDirectionReturns the baseTextDirection of the button.
getBlendTransformReturns whether new images will be revealed by fading the previous image.
getBlendTransformIndicates if the new images will be revealed by fading the previous image.
getBlendTransformIndicates if the new images will be revealed by fading the previous image.
getBorderColorReturns the color of the toolbar border.
getBorderThicknessReturns the border thickness in pixels.
getBoundsReturns the bounds of this IlvPanel.
getBoundsReturns the bounds of the rectangle.
getBoundsReturns the bounds of this view.
getBoundsReturns the bounds of the DHTML object relative to the container.
getButtonsReturns an array containing the buttons in this toolbar.
getButtonSpacingReturns the button spacing in pixels.
getCapabilitiesQueries the server for the capabilities.
getCapabilitiesQueries the server for the capabilities.
getCapabilitiesQueries capabilities.
getChildReturns the child at the specified index or null.
getChildrenReturns a copy of the children array of this menu.
getChildrenCountReturns the number of children of this menu.
getChildrenHeightReturns the height of the submenu made up of all the children of this menu.
getChildrenWidthReturns the width of the submenu made up of all the children of this menu.
getClassNameReturns the class name of this object.
getClientIdReturns the reference of this JavaScript object.
getClipReturns the clip of this IlvPanel.
getColorReturns the color of the rectangle that allows panning.
getColorReturns the color of the dragged rectangle.
getColorReturns the color of the dragged rectangle.
getColorReturns the color of the rectangle that allows panning.
getColorReturns the color of the dragged rectangle.
getComponentReturns the chart component to be displayed, if defined.
getComponentReturns the displayed component.
getContentReturns the HTML content of the glass view.
getContextReturns the context of the panel.
getCreationSizeReturns the size of the component to be created.
getCurrentZoomLevelReturns the current zoom level of the view.
getCurrentZoomLevelReturns the current zoom level of the view.
getCursorReturns the mouse cursor to be displayed when using this interactor.
getCursorReturns the cursor of the view.
getCursorSets the cursor displayed by the view when this interactor is set on it.
getCursorReturns the cursor of the view.
getCursorReturns the mouse cursor that is displayed when the mouse is over this panel.
getCursorReturns the cursor of the view.
getCursorReturns the cursor of the button.
getCursorReturns the mouse cursor that is displayed when the mouse is over this panel.
getDataCountReturns the number of data points held by this data set.
getDataLabelReturns the label associated with the data point at the specified index.
getDataSetReturns the data set to which this data point belongs.
getDataSetReturns the data set at the specified index.
getDataSetCountReturns the number of data sets provided by this data source.
getDataSetIndexReturns the index of the specified data set.
getDataSetsReturns the data sets provided by this data source.
getDataSetsReturns an array of strings of available data sets on the server.
getDataSourceReturns the data source of the IlvChart.
getDataSourceReturns the main IlvDataSource this IlvDataSet is associated with.
getDataSourceIdReturns the identifier of the data source to be displayed, if defined.
getDataWindowReturns the visible window.
getDataWindowReturns the visible window.
getDoActionOnBGDeselectReturns whether the button should execute its action when it's deselected by its button group.
getDocumentRetrieves the document managed by the panel.
getDynamicLayersRetrieve dynamic layers
getDynamicVisibleLayersReturns the dynamic visible layers
getErrorMessageReturns the message displayed by the view if an error occurred during the image generation by the server.
getErrorMessageReturns the message displayed when an error occurs while the image is loading.
getErrorMessageReturns the message displayed if an error occurs when the image is loading.
getEventHandlerReturns the event handler that is receiving keyboard and mouse events from this view.
getEventHandlerReturns the event handler that is receiving keyboard and mouse events from this view.
getEventOriginLeftReturns the origin along the x-axis that is used to compute the relative e.mouseX coordinate when mouse events are forwarded to the event handler.
getEventOriginLeftReturns the origin along the x-axis that is used to compute the relative e.mouseX coordinate when mouse events are forwarded to the event handler.
getEventOriginTopReturns the origin along the y-axis that is used to compute the relative e.mouseY coordinate when mouse events are forwarded to the event handler.
getEventOriginTopReturns the origin along the y-axis that is used to compute the relative e.mouseY coordinate when mouse events are forwarded to the event handler.
getExtentReturns the extent of the scrollbar.
getFactoryReturns the expression binding to the server side factory that will generates the contextual menu.
getFontSizeReturns the font size of the text.
getForceUpdatePropertiesReturns force to make additional request to query the current selection and additional properties in image mode to enable client-side selection listener.
getFormReturns the form object with the specified name.
getGenerateImageMapIndicates if the component is generating an image map in addition to the image.
getGlassViewReturns the IlvGlassView that manages events for this IlvAbstractView.
getHeightReturns the height of the DHTML object
getHeightReturns the height of this IlvPanel.
getHeightReturns the height of this view.
getHeightReturns the height of this scrollbar.
getHitInfosReturns hitmap information
getHitInfoTypesGets the parameter "hitInfo" for hitmap request.
getHTMLContentReturns the piece of HTML for the view.
getHTMLIdReturns the ID of the HTML element that represents the IlvGlassView in the HTML document.
getIconRetrieves the icon of this menu item.
getIconPreferredSizeReturns the preferred size used by the icon of this menu item.
getImageReturns the image of the view.
getImageReturns the image of the button.
getImageReturns the image that represents the button when the button is in normal state.
getImageReturns the image with the specified id.
getImageBackgroundColorReturns the background color of the generated image or null if not specified.
getImageBackgroundColorReturns the background color of the generated image, or null if not specified.
getImageBackgroundColorReturns the background color of the generated image or null if not specified.
getImageFormatReturns the image format of the image displayed by this view.
getImageFormatReturns the format of the images generated from the server.
getImageFormatReturns the format of the tile images generated from the server.
getImageFormatReturns the format of the images generated from the server.
getImageFormatReturns the image format that will be emitted by the servlet that generates the image.
getImageHeightReturns the image height.
getImageMapGeneratorReturns the image map generator.
getImageMapGeneratorReturns the image map generator.
getImageMapGeneratorReturns the image map generator.
getImageMapVisibleReturns the flag indicating that an image map should be visible or not (if generated).
getImageScrollPositionReturns the scroll position of this view's image on the client side.
getImageSizeReturns the size of the view's image.
getImageWidthReturns the image width.
getIndexReturns the index at which this data point is stored in the data set.
getIndexReturns the index of an IlvButton in the toolbar, or -1 if the button is not in the toolbar.
getInfoProviderMethodBindingReturns a method binding that is compliant with the signature ArrayList methodName(IlvFaces, IlvSDMNode).
getInteractorReturns the interactor set on the view each time this button is pressed.
getInteractorGets the original interactor of this intercept interactor.
getInteractorReturns the interactor of the view.
getInteractorReturns the current interactor set on this view.
getInteractorReturns the current interactor set on the view.
getInvocationContextReturns the context in which the value change listener attached to this interactor will be invoked.
getItemDisabledStyleClassReturns the CSS class of a disabled menu item.
getItemDisabledStyleClassReturns the CSS class of a disabled menu item.
getItemHighlightedStyleClassReturns the CSS class of a highlighted menu item.
getItemHighlightedStyleClassReturns the CSS class of a highlighted menu item.
getItemStyleClassReturns the CSS class of a menu item.
getItemStyleClassReturns the CSS class of a menu item.
getJViewsDHTMLObjectReturns the JViews DHTML object managed by this proxy.
getLabelRetrieves the label of this menu item.
getLayersReturns an array of strings of available layers on the server.
getLayersReturns an array of strings of available layers on the server.
getLayoutReturns the layout of this component.
getLeftReturns the position of the left border of this IlvPanel.
getLeftReturns the left border of this view.
getLeftReturns the left border of this scrollbar.
getLegendInternal implementation.
getLegendReturns the legend associated with this chart.
getLengthReturns the length of this interval.
getLineColorReturns the current color of the selection rectangles.
getLineColorReturns the color of selection rectangles, if this selection manager is not in image mode.
getLineColorReturns a string representing the HTML color of the dragged rectangle.
getLineColorChanges the color of the rectangle that allows the panning.
getLineColorReturns the color of selection rectangles, if this interactor is not in image mode.
getLineColorReturns a string representing the HTML color of the dragged rectangle.
getLineWidthReturns the line width of the dragged rectangle.
getLineWidthReturns the line width of the dragged rectangle.
getLineWidthReturns the width of selection rectangle lines, if this selection manager is not in image mode.
getLineWidthReturns the line width of the rectangle that allows panning.
getLineWidthReturns the line width of the selection rectangles.
getLineWidthReturns the line width of the dragged rectangle.
getLineWidthGets the line width of the rectangle that allows the panning.
getLineWidthReturns the line width of the dragged rectangle.
getLineWidthReturns the line width of the dragged rectangle.
getLineWidthReturns the width of selection rectangle lines, if this interactor is not in image mode.
getLineWidthReturns the line width of the rectangle that allows panning.
getLinkModeReturns whether the interactor will create link objects or not.
getLocationReturns the location of this view.
getManagerBBoxReturns the bounding box of the manager on the server side.
getManagerBBoxReturns the bounding box of the manager on the server side.
getMaxReturns the maximum bound.
getMaximumSizeReturns the maximum size allowed for the view.
getMaxValueReturns the maximum value of the scrollbar.
getMaxZoomLevelReturns the maximum zoom level available on the server side.
getMaxZoomLevelReturns the maximum zoom level available on the server side.
getMaxZoomLevelReturns the maximum zoom level available on the server side.
getMaxZoomLevelReturns the maximum zoom level available on the server side.
getMenuReturns the static root menu displayed by this pop-up menu.
getMenuModelIdReturns the ID used during the dynamic generation of contextual menus.
getMenuModelIdReturns the menu model ID.
getMessageReturns the message displayed by the view when this interactor is set on it.
getMessageReturns the message to be displayed when the mouse is over the overview.
getMessageReturns the message displayed by the attached message box, if any, when the cursor is on this button.
getMessageReturns the message to be displayed when the mouse is over the button.
getMessageReturns the message to be displayed when using this interactor.
getMessageReturns the message to be displayed when the mouse is over the overview.
getMessageBoxReturns the message box of the view.
getMessageBoxSets the message box of the button.
getMessageBoxReturns the message box of the view.
getMessagePanelReturns the message panel where the messages will be displayed.
getMessagePanelReturns the message panel where the messages will be displayed.
getMessagePanelReturns the message panel where the messages will be displayed.
getMessagePanelReturns the message panel where the messages will be displayed.
getMessagePanelReturns the message panel where the messages will be displayed.
getMessagePanelReturns the message panel where the messages will be displayed.
getMessagePanelReturns the message panel where the messages will be displayed.
getMessagePanelReturns the message panel where the messages will be displayed.
getMiddleReturns the middle value of this interval.
getMinReturns the minimum bound.
getMinimumSizeReturns the minimum size of the container if no size is specified.
getMinimumSizeReturns the minimum size allowed for the view.
getMinValueReturns the minimum value of the scrollbar.
getMinZoomLevelReturns the maximum zoom level available on the server side.

Returns the picking mode.

getModeGets the mode of the popup menu.
getMouseEventSourceReturns the object that catches each mouse event sent by the browser to this panel.
getMultipleSelectionKeyReturns the modifier key used to perform multiple selections.
getNameReturns the name of this data set.
getNbButtonsReturns the number of buttons to be displayed in the zoom tool.
getNodeCoordsReturns the coordinates of the reference node of this component.
getObjectReturns subject of this proxy which is an the JViews Thin-Client JavaScript IlvObject.
getObjectErroneousPropertyReturns the value of the property with the given propertyName that caused problem when committing object properties.
getObjectIDReturns the ID of the object on which an error occurred when committing properties.
getObjectIDReturns the ID of the selected object.
getObjectPropertiesReturns a copy of the properties of the selected object as an object containing keys and values for each of the property ({propertyName1:"propertyValue1", propertyName2:"propertyValue2"}).
getObjectPropertyReturns the value of the property with the given propertyName that is stored in the server-side model instead of the committed value that caused problem.
getObjectPropertyReturns the value of the property with the given propertyName on the selected object.
getObjectPropertyNamesReturns the names of the properties of the selected object as an array of strings.
getObjectPropertyNamesReturns as an array of strings the names of the properties that caused problem when committing object properties.
getObjectSelectedFinderSets the ObjectSelectedFinder instance responsible for retrieving the object selected by this interactor.
getObjectTagReturns the tag of the selected object.
getObjectTypeReturns the type of the selected object.
getOnCapabilitiesLoadedReturns the JavaScript code executed when the capabilities are loaded from the server.
getOnclickReturns the onclick action of the button.
getOnImageLoadedReturns the JavaScript code that is executed when the image is loaded.
getOnSelectionChangedReturns a JavaScript handler called when the selection has changed.
getOnSelectionChangedReturns a listener called on a selection change.
getOpacityReturns the opacity of the rectangle that allows panning.
getOrientationReturns the orientation of the zoom tool.
getOrientationReturns the orientation of this toolbar.
getOrientationReturns the orientation of the tool.
getOverviewLayersReturns an array of string of all the layers that will be displayed on the overview window.
getOverviewLayersReturns an array of string of all the layers that will be displayed on the overview window.
getPanFactorReturns the factor used to pan.
getPanFactorReturns the factor used to pan.
getPanFactorReturns the factor used to pan.
getParentReturns the parent of this menu item.
getPartialSubmitReturns the partial submit mode.
getPartialSubmitReturns the partial submit mode.

Returns the picking mode.

getPlotRectReturns the plot area bounds.
getPopupMenuReturns the pop-up menu on set this view.
getPopupMenuReturns the pop-up menu on set this view.
getPopupMenuReturns the specified contextual pop-up menu set on this view.
getPopupMenuReturns the pop-up menu on set this view.
getPopupMenuReturns the specified contextual pop-up menu set on this view.
getPreferredSizeReturns the preferred size for this menu item.
getProjectReturns a chart designer project URL.
getPropertiesReturns the additional properties of this selection object as an Array.
getRectangleReturns the bounds of the dragged rectangle.
getRectangleReturns the bounds of the dragged rectangle.
getRectangleReturns the IlvRectangle object that can be used to draw a rectangle on the view.
getRectangleReturns the IlvRectangle object that can be used to draw a rectangle on the view.
getRectangleReturns the IlvRectangle object that can be used to draw a rectangle on the view.
getReferenceNodeReturns the reference node of this component.
getRequestTypeReturns the string used as the request type when the thin client requests a pop-up menu from the servlet.
getRequestURLReturns the URL to be used to create the request as set using setRequestURL.
getRequestURLGet request URL
getRolloverImageReturns the rollover image of the button.
getRolloverImageReturns the image that represents the button when the cursor is on the button.
getRootReturns the root IlvMenu instance for this menu item.
getScrollPositionReturns the scroll position of this view.
getScrollPositionReturns the scroll position of this IlvRectangle.
getScrollPositionReturns the scroll position of this IlvRectangle.
getScrollPositionReturns the scroll of this IlvPanel.
getSelectedImageReturns the image that represents the button when the button is in selected state.
getSelectedImageReturns the selected image of the button.
getSelectionReturns the current selection.
getSelectionManagerReturns the IlvSelectionManager for this view.
getSelectionManagerReturns the IlvSelectionManager for this view.
getServletReturns the servlet that will generate the image.
getServletClassReturns the class of the servlet that generates the image that will be instantiated, if needed, by the controller servlet.
getServletClassReturns the class of the servlet that generates the image.
getServletURLReturns the URL to be used to create the request as set using setServletURL.
getServletURLReturns the URL of the image generating servlet.
getServletURLReturns the URL of the servlet that generates the image.
getServletURLReturns the URL of the servlet that generates the image.
getSizeReturns the size of this view.
getStateURLInternal Implementation.
getStaticVisibleLayersReturns the static visible layers
getStyleSheetReturns the style sheet (inline or URL).
getStyleSheetsReturns the list of comma separated style sheets.
getSubMenuIconReturns the image URL of the icon that shows the menu item is a submenu.
getTargetViewReturns the main view associated with this overview.
getTargetViewReturns the main view associated with this overview.
getTextColorReturns the color of the text.
getThicknessReturns the border thickness of this IlvRectangle.
getTimeoutErrorIntervalReturns the time-out interval for requests to the server, in seconds.
getTimeoutErrorIntervalReturns the timeout interval for requests to the server, in seconds.
getTimeoutIntervalReturns the timeout interval for image requests to the server, in seconds.
getTitleReturns the title of the legend.
getTitleReturns the title of the button.
getTitleBackgroundColorReturns the background color of the title.
getTitleFontSizeReturns the font size of the title text.
getTitleForegroundColorReturns the foreground color of the title.
getToolTipTextReturns the tooltip text of the view.
getToolTipTextReturns the tooltip text of the image.
getToolTipTextReturns the tooltip text of the button.
getTopReturns the top border of this view.
getTopReturns the top border of this scrollbar.
getTopReturns the position of the top border of this IlvPanel.
getTypeReturns the type of the chart, if set.
getTypeReturns the type of the error caused by the property with the given propertyName when committing object properties.
getUnitIncrementReturns the unit increment of the scrollbar.
getUpdateIntervalReturns the automatic update interval of the view.
getUpdateIntervalReturns the automatic update interval of the view.
getUpdateIntervalReturns the interval in seconds between two automatic updates.
getUpdateIntervalReturns the automatic update interval of the view.
getUpdateIntervalReturns the automatic update interval of the dynamic layer.
getValueReturns the value of the scrollbar.
getViewGets the view of this component.
getViewReturns the view associated with this legend.
getViewReturns the view associated with this button.
getViewReturns the IlvGanttComponentView where this interactor is attached or null when the interactor is not attached.
getViewReturns the main view associated with this component.
getViewReturns the dependency view of this component.
getViewBBoxReturns the current visible area of the manager.
getViewBBoxReturns the current visible area of the manager.
getViewPositionReturns the position of the attached view.
getVisibleLayersReturns an array of strings of available layers on the server.
getVisibleLayersReturns the visible dynamic and static visible layers
getVisibleWindowReturns the current visible IlvDataWindow of the chart coordinate system.
getVisibleWindowReturns the visible window.
getVisibleWindowReturns the visible window.
getWaitingImageReturns the path of the waiting image, if defined.
getWaitingImageReturns the URL of the image used to show that the component is waiting for a server response.
getWaitingImageReturns the image displayed during the image loading.
getWaitingImageReturns the URL of the image used to show that the component is waiting for a server response.
getWaitingImageReturns the path to the image to be displayed when the component is loading.
getWaitingImageReturns the image path to the waiting image.
getWaitingImageReturns the URL of the image used to show that the component is waiting for a server response.
getWidthReturns the width of this view.
getWidthReturns the width of the DHTML object.
getWidthReturns the width of this scrollbar.
getWidthReturns the width of this IlvPanel.
getXDataReturns the x-value of the data point at the specified index.
getXDataReturns the X value of this data point.
getXMaxReturns the maximum x-value handled by this data set.
getXMaxReturns the maximum bound along the x-axis of this data window.
getXMinReturns the minimum x-value handled by this data set.
getXMinReturns the minimum bound along the x-axis of this data window.
getXRangeReturns the limits of the x-values handled by this data set.
getXVisibleRangeReturns the visible range along the x-axis.
getXVisibleRangeReturns the visible range along the x-axis.
getXYRatioReturns the ratio (width/height) that the dragged rectangle must respect.
getXZoomFactorReturns the factor used when calling the zoomIn and zoomOut methods.
getXZoomFactorReturns the factor used when calling the zoomIn and zoomOut methods on the x-axis.
getYDataReturns the Y value of this data point.
getYDataReturns the y-value of the data point at the specified index.
getYMaxReturns the maximum bound along the y-axis of this data window.
getYMaxReturns the maximum y-value handled by this data set.
getYMinReturns the minimum bound along the y-axis of this data window.
getYMinReturns the minimum y-value handled by this data set.
getYRangeReturns the limits of the y-values handled by this data set.
getYVisibleRangeReturns the visible range along the y-axis.
getYVisibleRangeReturns the visible range along the y-axis.
getYZoomFactorReturns the factor used when calling the zoomIn and zoomOut methods.
getYZoomFactorReturns the factor used when calling the zoomIn and zoomOut methods on the y-axis.
getZIndexReturns the 'z' coordinate of the panel.
getZoomFactorReturns the factor used when calling the zoomIn and zoomOut methods if and only if fixed zoom levels are not set.
getZoomFactorReturns the zoom factor.
getZoomFactorReturns the factor used when calling the zoomIn and zoomOut methods if the zoom is free.
getZoomLevelsRetrieves the zoom levels as an array of double.
getZoomLevelsRetrieves the zoom levels as an array of double.


hashCodeReturns a hash code value for this object.

Warning: This method is considered to be part of the IlvGlassView internal implementation, it is not a public API.

hideAllHides all the selection rectangles.
hideImageMapHides the image map layer.
hideImageMapHides the image map layer.
hideImageMapHides the image map layer.
hideNotMovableHides the selection for objects that cannot be moved.
hidePopupMenuHides the visible pop-up menu in a thin client, if there is one; otherwise, this method does nothing.
HTMLRequestThis class allows to asynchronously send to the server requests that are sending back HTML fragments.


IlvAbstractPopupMenuThis abstract class defines a pop-up menu intended to be set on a view.
IlvAbstractPopupMenuProxyThe IlvAbstractPopupMenuProxy is the base class for pop-up menu proxies.
IlvAbstractSelectionManagerThe IlvAbstractSelectionManager class manages the selection of objects with or without querying an image update.
IlvAbstractViewIlvAbstractView is an extension of IlvResizableView and is the superclass of all concrete view implementations.
IlvAjaxThis class manages AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript with XML) requests on the different browser supported.
IlvAjaxUtilIlvAjaxUtil contains AJAX utilities
IlvAOPThis is a AOP utility function, call this function will add "before", "after" and "override" methods for orgObj.
IlvBasicViewHelperProxyThe IlvBasicViewHelperProxy class is the base proxy class for the DHTML components that have a view and depend on an other view.
IlvBasicViewProxyThe IlvBasicViewProxy class is the base proxy class for the DHTML components that have a view.
IlvButtonIlvButton is a DHTML button component that will call some JavaScript code or function when clicked.
IlvButtonGroupThis class is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of buttons.
IlvChartThis class gives access to the chart display.
IlvChartComponentViewThe IlvChartComponentView is the abstract class for chart DHTML components that display an image and/or an image map obtained from a server.
IlvChartLegendProxyThe IlvChartLegendProxy is the proxy to handle IlvChartLegend DHTML object.
IlvChartOverviewAn overview window for an IlvChartView.
IlvChartOverviewProxyThe IlvChartOverviewProxy is the proxy that handles the IlvChartOverview DHTML object.
IlvChartPanInteractorAn interactor to scroll the plot area of an IlvChart DHTML component.
IlvChartPanInteractorProxyThe IlvChartPanInteractorProxy is the proxy that handles an IlvChartPanInteractor DHTML object.
IlvChartPickInteractorAn interactor to perform item picking interactions on an IlvChart DHTML component.
IlvChartPickInteractorProxyThe IlvChartPickInteractorProxy is the proxy that handles an IlvChartPickInteractor DHTML object.
IlvChartSelectInteractorProxyThe IlvChartSelectInteractorProxy is a proxy that manages a select interactor to pick point on the attached chart view.
IlvChartViewThe IlvChartView is a component that displays an image obtained from a server.
IlvChartViewProxyThe IlvChartViewProxy is the proxy that handles an IlvChartView DHTML object.
IlvChartZoomInteractorAn interactor to zoom in and out the visible range of an IlvChart DHTML component.
IlvChartZoomInteractorProxyThe IlvChartZoomInteractorProxy is the proxy that handles an IlvChartZoomInteractorProxy DHTML object.
IlvCursorChangeInteractorIlvCursorChangeInteractor is an interactor that indicates whether or not the hovered the object can be clicked or selected It is a subclass of IlvInteractor so it can be set on a IlvView in the same way as any other interactor.
IlvCursorChangeInteractorProxyJavaScript proxy for IlvCursorChangeInteractor
IlvDataIntervalA class to handle range of data.
IlvDataSetThis is the client-side representation of a server-side IlvDataSet.
IlvDataSetPointA IlvDataSetPoint represents the data at the given index in the specified data set.
IlvDataSourceThis is the client-side representation of a server-side IlvDataSource.
IlvDataWindowRepresents a data region expressed as ranges along the x- and y-axis.
IlvDragRectangleInteractorThe IlvDragRectangleInteractor is an interactor that lets you drag a rectangle over an IlvView.
IlvDragRectInteractorProxyThe IlvDragRectInteractorProxy is the base class for interactors that allow the selected proxies to be dragged.
IlvDrawViewThis class is a subclass of IlvPanel that can be created dynamically.
IlvDynPanelThis class is a subclass of IlvPanel that can be created dynamically (ie without calling to toHTML).
IlvDynRectangleThis IlvRectangle subclass is an dynamic rectangle that can be instantiated anytime.
IlvEmptyViewIlvEmptyView is the base class of all views.
IlvFacesChartContextualMenuProxyThe IlvFacesChartContextualMenuProxy is the proxy that handles an IlvChartPopupMenu DHTML object.
IlvFacesContextualMenuProxyThe IlvFacesContextualMenuProxy is the proxy that handles an IlvFacesPopupMenu DHTML object.
IlvFacesHighlightInteractorProxyThe IlvFacesHighlightInteractorProxy is a highlight interactor proxy.
IlvFacesMapInteractorProxyThe IlvFacesMapInteractorProxy is the proxy that handles an IlvMapInteractor DHTML object.
IlvFacesMapRectInteractorProxyThe IlvFacesMapRectInteractorProxy is the proxy that handles an IlvMapRectInteractor DHTML object.
IlvFacesObjectSelectInteractorAn interactor that executes the performSelect of its proxy on a point selection.
IlvFacesObjectSelectInteractorProxyThe IlvFacesObjectSelectInteractorProxy is the proxy that handles an IlvFacesObjectSelectInteractor DHTML object.
IlvFacesObjectSelectRectInteractorAn interactor that executes the performSelectRect of its proxy on a rectangle selection.
IlvFacesObjectSelectRectInteractorProxyThe IlvFacesObjectSelectRectInteractorProxy is the proxy that handles an IlvFacesObjectSelectRectInteractor DHTML object.
IlvFacesOverviewProxyThe IlvFacesOverviewProxy is the proxy to handle IlvOverview DHTML object.
IlvFacesPanInteractorProxyThe IlvFacesPanInteractorProxy is the proxy to handle IlvPanInteractor DHTML object.
IlvFacesPanToolProxyThe IlvFacesPanToolProxy is the proxy class that handles IlvPanTool instances.
IlvFacesProxyThe base JavaScript Proxy class for JViews Faces components.
IlvFacesSelectInteractorProxyThis class is a base proxy class for interactors that use IlvAbstractSelectionManager class to select and move objects.
IlvFacesSelectionManagerProxyThis class is a base proxy class for IlvFacesSelectionManagerProxy implementations.
IlvFacesTiledViewProxyThe IlvFacesTiledViewProxy is the proxy that handles an IlvTiledView DHTML object.
IlvFacesTooltipInteractorProxyThe IlvFacesTooltipInteractorProxy is a tooltip interactor proxy.
IlvFacesViewProxyThe IlvFacesViewProxy is the proxy that handles an IlvView DHTML object.
IlvFacesZoomInteractorProxyThe IlvFacesZoomInteractorProxy is the proxy to handle IlvZoomInteractor DHTML object.
IlvFacesZoomToolProxyThe IlvFacesZoomToolProxy is the proxy class that handles IlvZoomTool instances.
IlvGlassViewAn IlvGlassView is an extension of IlvEmptyView that is designed to capture keyboard and mouse input events and forward them to an event handler.
IlvGroupedButtonAn IlvButton subclass designed to be in button group (a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of buttons).
IlvHighlightInteractorA highlight interactor that works with an IlvView and its IlvHitmap.
IlvHScrollbarIlvHScrollbar is a horizontal scroll bar.
IlvHTMLPanelIlvHTMLPanel is a panel designed to be updated with the setContent method.
IlvImageButtonProxyJavaScript proxy for the IlvDHTMLImageButton component.
IlvImageEventViewAn IlvImageEventView is an extension of IlvImageView designed to display an image and forward all input events to an event handler.
IlvImageMapInteractorIlvImageMapInteractor is an interactor that allows you to turn the image map visibility on or off.
IlvImageViewAn IlvImageView is an extension of IlvEmptyView that is designed to display an image.
IlvInteractorIlvInteractor is the abstract base class for all interactors on a DHTML view component.
IlvInteractorButtonThis class implements a button that sets an interactor on a view each time it is pressed.
IlvInteractorGroupIlvInteractorGroup coordinates a number of IlvInteractors.
IlvInteractorGroupProxyJavaScript proxy for IlvInteractorGroup interactor.
IlvInteractorProxyThe IlvInteractorProxy is the base class for interactor proxies.
IlvInterceptInteractorThe class used to intercept the interactor.
IlvInterceptInteractorProxyJavaScript proxy for IlvInterceptInteractor interactor.
IlvLegendIlvLegend is a component that displays the list of layers that are available on the server and lets you turn the visibility of each layer on or off.
IlvLegendViewThe IlvLegendView is a component that displays an image obtained from a server from an ilog.views.chart.IlvLegend.
IlvLinkInteractorUse the IlvLinkInteractor to modify selected links.
IlvLinkInteractorProxyJavaScript proxy for IlvLinkInteractor.
IlvMakeObjectInteractorAn interactor that allows you to create node or link objects on an IlvView.
IlvMapInteractorIlvMapInteractor is an interactor that lets you select a point on the IlvView to perform an action on the server.
IlvMapRectInteractorAn IlvMapRectInteractor is an interactor that lets you select an area of the IlvView to perform an action on the server.
IlvMenuThis class implements a menu that can be dynamically popped up at a specified position within the window of a browser.
IlvMenuItemThis class implements menu items to compose a menu.
IlvMessageBoxProxyJavaScript proxy for the MessageBox component.
IlvObjectThe base class for all JavaScript classes.
IlvObjectSelectInteractorProxyThis proxy class wraps an IlvInteractor that calls the performSelect with the appropriate parameters.
IlvObjectSelectRectInteractorProxyThis proxy class wraps an IlvInteractor that calls the performSelectRect with the appropriate parameters.
IlvOverviewAn overview window for an IlvView.
IlvPanelThis class is an abstract class that cannot be used as is.
IlvPanInteractorAn IlvPanInteractor is an interactor that lets the user drag the image of the main view in order to pan.
IlvPanToolThe IlvPanTool is a navigation tool that allows the user to pan an IlvView in all directions.
IlvPopupMenuThis class defines a contextual pop-up menu intended to be set on a view.

This class manages the pop-up menu communication between a thin client and the servlet.

IlvPropertyStateManagerThe IlvPropertyStateManager handles the saving of properties in a hidden input.
IlvRectangleThis class can be instantiated to draw a rectangle anywhere on a web page.
IlvResizableViewAn IlvResizableView is an extension of IlvEmptyView that can be resized by the user if setResizable(true) is called.
IlvResizeInteractorAn IlvResizeInteractor is an interactor for resizing a node in Diagrammer or resizing a selected activity in Gantt.
IlvResizeInteractorProxyJavaScript proxy for IlvResizeInteractor.
IlvScrollbarIlvScrollbar is the abstract base class of all scroll bars.
IlvSelectInteractorAn IlvSelectInteractor is an interactor that lets the user make a selection on a view and move that selection.
IlvSelectionThis class is a base class of IlvSelectionRectangle and IlvSelectionLink.
IlvSelectionLinkA selection link is designed to show the selected line for Diagrammer, Gantt etc.
IlvSelectionManagerThe concrete implementation class of IlvAbstractSelectionManager for an IlvView instance.
IlvSelectionPropertiesErrorThis is the placeholder for error information following a call to IlvAbstractSelectionManager.commitSelectionProperties.
IlvSelectionRectangleThis class defines a selected rectangle.
IlvSizedViewProxyThe IlvSizedView proxy is the base class for the proxies of JViews DHTML component that has a graphic representation.
IlvTiledViewIlvTiledView is a component that displays maps.
IlvToggleButtonA simple IlvButton subclass.
IlvToolBarIlvToolBar is a DHTML toolbar.
IlvTooltipInteractorA tooltip interactor that works with an IlvView and its IlvHitmap.
IlvURLPanelThis class is a subclass of IlvPanel that can be updated with the setURL method.
IlvViewIlvView is a component that displays an image obtained from a server.
IlvVScrollbarIlvVScrollbar is a vertical scroll bar.
IlvZoomInteractorIlvZoomInteractor is an interactor that lets the user drag a rectangle over the main view to zoom in the area.
IlvZoomToolThe IlvZoomTool component displays several buttons vertically or horizontally, each button corresponding to a zoom level.
imageLoadedInternal implementation.
imageLoadedThis method is automatically invoked when the image has been loaded from the server.
imageLoadedThis method is automatically invoked when the image has been loaded from the server.
imageMapUpdatedCalled when the image map was loaded.
inheritsMake sure the sub class inherits from the parent class.
initInitializes the view.
initInitializes the view.
initCalls the init method of the underlying JViews DHTML object.
initInitializes the view.
initInitializes the view.
instanceOfReturns true if this object is an instance of the given class, or false otherwise.
internalDisplayPopupMenuDisplays the specified pop-up menu at the specified coordinates.
intersectionComputes the intersection between the specified intervals along the x- and y-axis with this data window and modifies this data window accordingly.
intersectionComputes the intersection of this interval with the given interval and modifies this data interval accordingly.
intersectsReturns whether the specified data window intersects this data window.
intersectsReturns whether the given interval intersects this interval.
invokeInvokes the provided method for this object.
is3DReturns whether the chart is rendered in 3-D.
isAfterReturns whether the given value is greater than or equal to the maximum bound.
isAnimatedPanReturns the line width of the rectangle that allows panning.
isAutoRefreshIndicates if the overview is in autorefresh mode.
isAutoRefreshIndicates if the overview is in autorefresh mode.
isAutoRefreshIndicates if the overview is in autorefresh mode.
isAutoUpdateCapabilitiesIndicates if the automatic update will also update the capabilities.
isAutoUpdateCapabilitiesReturns whether the automatic update will also update the capabilities.
isAutoUpdateCapabilitiesIndicates if the automatic update will also update the capabilities.
isAutoUpdateCapabilitiesIndicates if the automatic update will also update the capabilities.
isAutoUpdateLegendReturns whether the legend view is updated each time a new image is loaded.
isBeforeReturns whether the given value is lower than or equal to the minimum bound.
isCapabilitiesLoadedIndicates if the capabilities have been loaded from the server.
isCapabilitiesLoadedIndicates if the capabilities have been loaded from the server.
isCapabilitiesLoadedReturns whether the capabilities have been loaded from the server.
isCapabilitiesLoadedIndicates if the capabilities have been loaded from the server.
isCartesianReturns whether the chart uses a cartesian projector
isConstrainedOnContentsReturns whether the view is constrained to the manager content bounds or not.
isConstrainedOnContentsReturns whether the view is constrained to the manager content bounds or not.
isConstrainedOnContentsReturns whether the view is constrained to the manager content bounds or not.
isDeletingCookieOnDisposeTells if the view is deleting its cookies on dispose.
isDeletingCookieOnDisposeTells if the view is deleting its cookies on dispose
isDynamicReturns the mode of this pop-up menu.
isDynamicLayerCheck if a layer is dynamic
isEmptyReturns whether this interval is empty.
isEmptyReturns whether this data window is empty.
isEnabledChecks whether this menu item is enabled.
isEnabledReturns whether the view is enabled.
isEnabledReturns the enabled state of this button.
isEnabledReturns whether the view is enabled.
isEnabledReturns whether this button is enabled.
isEnabledReturns whether this component is enabled.
isEnabledReturns whether the scrollbar is enabled.
isEnabledReturns whether or not this pan tool is enabled.
isExpandedChecks whether this menu is expanded (that is, if the submenu is visible).
isFillOnReturns true when the selection rectangles are filled.
isFillOnReturns whether the selection rectangles are filled or hollow.
isFillOnReturns the color of the rectangle that allows panning.
isFitToContentReturns whether view bounding box equals the manager bounding box.
isFitToContentReturns whether view bounding box equals the manager bounding box.
isForceUpdatePropertiesReturns true to force an additional request in image mode, false otherwise.
isGenerateImageMapReturns a Boolean indicating whether the component is generating an image map in addition to the image.
isGenerateImageMapReturns whether the component is generating an image map in addition to the image.
isGenerateImageMapReturns a Boolean indicating whether the component is generating an image map in addition to the image.
isGenerateImageMapIndicates whether the component is generating an image map in addition to the image.
isGenerateImageMapIndicates whether the component is generating an image map in addition to the image.
isHiddenWhenDraggingReturns whether a selection rectangle should be hidden while the current selection is dragged.
isHighlightedChecks whether this menu item is highlighted.
isIgnoreContentAspectRatioReturns whether the over view is ignoreContentAspectRatio size or not.
isIgnoreContentAspectRatioReturns the ignore content aspect ratio flag of overview.
isImageLoadedReturns whether an image is loaded in the view.
isImageMapVisibleReturns the image map layer visibility.
isImageMapVisibleReturns the image map layer visibility.
isImageMapVisibleReturns the image map layer visibility.
isImageModeReturns true when the selection manager is in image mode, false otherwise.

Returns the image mode.

isImageModeReturns the image mode.
isInPlotRectReturns whether the specified point lies within the plot area.
isInsideReturns whether the given value is included within this interval.
isLayerVisibleIndicates if a layer is currently visible.
isLayerVisibleIndicates if a layer is currently visible.
isMovableReturns true if the rectangle is movable, false otherwise.
isMoveAllowedReturns true when the elements in the view can be moved.
isMoveAllowedReturns whether enable or forbid to move selection.
isMultipleSelectionReturns true if the event is a multiple selection event, false otherwise.
isOutsideReturns whether the given value lies outside this interval.
isPopupTriggerChecks whether the given event is a pop-up menu trigger.
isResizableReturns whether the managed view is resizable or not.
isResizableReturns whether the managed view is resizable or not.
isResizableReturns whether the managed view is resizable or not.
isResizableReturns whether the managed view is resizable or not.
isResizableIndicates whether this view can be resized.
isResizableReturns whether the managed view is resizable or not.
isRootReturns true if this menu is of type IlvMenu and a root menu.

Warning: This method is considered to be part of the IlvGlassView internal implementation, it is not a public API.

isSelectedReturns the selection state of this button.
isSelectedIndicates whether or not this button is selected.
isSelectionMovableReturns true if the current selection contains at least one movable object, false otherwise.
isStateInCookieReturns whether the state of the view should be stored in a cookie or not.
isStrictlyAfterReturns whether the given value is strictly greater than the maximum bound.
isStrictlyBeforeReturns whether the given value is strictly lower than the minimum bound.
isStrictlyInsideReturns whether the given value is strictly included within this interval.
isStrictlyOutsideReturns whether the given value lies strictly outside this interval.
isToggleReturns true if this button is a toggle button, false otherwise.
isToggleButtonIndicates whether or not this button is in toggle mode.
isVisibleChecks whether this menu is visible.
isVisibleReturns the visibility of this view.
isVisibleReturns the visibility of this view.
isVisibleReturns the visibility of this scrollbar.
isVisibleReturns the visibility of this IlvRectangle.
isVisibleReturns the visibility of this IlvPanel.
isXHorizontalReturns whether the chart axis have been swapped.
isXPanAllowedReturns a Boolean indicating whether a zoom along the x-axis is allowed.
isXPanAllowedReturns whether a pan along the x-axis is allowed.
isXValuesSortedIndicates whether the x-values of the data points managed by this data set are sorted into increasing order.
isXZoomAllowedReturns a Boolean indicating whether a zoom along the x-axis is allowed.
isXZoomAllowedReturns whether a zoom along the x-axis is allowed.
isYPanAllowedReturns a Boolean indicating whether a zoom along the y-axis is allowed.
isYPanAllowedReturns whether a pan along the y-axis is allowed.
isYZoomAllowedReturns whether a zoom along the y-axis is allowed.
isYZoomAllowedReturns a Boolean indicating whether a zoom along the y-axis is allowed.


JSRequestThis class allows to asynchronously send to the server requests that are sending back JSON fragments.


keyDownHandles Key down events.
keyPressHandles key up events.
keyPressHandles Key press events
keyPressHandles Key press events.
keyUpHandles Key up events.


leftImageThe image for zooming out when the tool is horizontal.
listMethodsReturns a string that lists the methods of an object.
listPropertiesReturns a string that lists the properties of an object.
loadJSSynchronously loads a specified JavaScript file.


minusImageThe image for the minus button.
mouseDownHandles the 'down' events of the mouse.
mouseDownHandles Mouse down events.
mouseDownThis method is invoked when the mouse is pressed.
mouseDownHandles the 'down' events of the mouse.
mouseDownThis method is invoked when the mouse is pressed.
mouseDownHandles the 'down' events of the mouse.
mouseDownHandles the 'down' events of the mouse.
mouseDownHandles mouse down events.
mouseDragHandles the 'move' events of the mouse.
mouseDragHandles the 'drag' events of the mouse.
mouseDragHandles Mouse drag events.
mouseDragHandles the 'move' events of the mouse.
mouseMoveHandles Mouse move events.
mouseMoveHandles the 'move' events of the mouse.
mouseOutHandles Mouse out events.
mouseOutHandles the 'out' events of the mouse.
mouseOutThis method is invoked when the mouse leaves the button.
mouseOverHandles Mouse over events.
mouseOverHandles the 'over' events of the mouse.
mouseOverThis method is invoked when the mouse is over the button.
mouseUpHandles the 'up' events of the mouse.
mouseUpHandles Mouse up events.
mouseUpThis method is invoked when the mouse is released.
mouseUpHandles the 'up' events of the mouse.
mouseUpThis method is invoked when the mouse is released.
mouseUpHandles the 'up' events of the mouse.
moveToQueries a new image with the specified value for the top-left corner.
moveToQueries a new image with the specified value for the top-left corner.
moveToQueries new images with the specified value for the top-left corner.


notifyNotifies that a property of this object has changed and must be saved in the state of this object.


onCapabilitiesLoadedThis method is automatically invoked when the capabilities have been loaded from the server.
onCapabilitiesLoadedThis method is automatically invoked when the capabilities have been loaded from the server.
onloadUnlocks the notify state and marks the page as loaded.
onloadStores/retrieves IlvPopupMenuFactory instances in a static variable, and manages the onload event.
onmousedownHandles mouse down events.
onmousemoveHandles mouse move events.
onmouseoverInvoked each time the user moves the mouse over this menu item.
onmouseoverInvoked each time the user moves the mouse over this menu.
onmouseupInvoked each time the user clicks this menu item.
onmouseupHandles mouse up events.
onResizeInternal implementation
onSelectionLoadedCallback to process the response of the server after an update of the selection.
onTimeoutThis method is automatically invoked when a timeout error occurs.


panEastPans the image to the east.
panEastPans the image to the east.
panEastPans the image to the east.
panNorthPans the image to the north.
panNorthPans the image to the north.
panNorthPans the image to the north.
panNorthEastPans the image to the northeast.
panNorthEastPans the image to the northeast.
panNorthEastPans the image to the northeast.
panNorthWestPans the image to the northwest.
panNorthWestPans the image to the northwest.
panNorthWestPans the image to the northwest.
panSouthPans the image to the south.
panSouthPans the image to the south.
panSouthPans the image to the south.
panSouthEastPans the image to the southeast.
panSouthEastPans the image to the southeast.
panSouthEastPans the image to the southeast.
panSouthWestPans the image to the southwest.
panSouthWestPans the image to the southwest.
panSouthWestPans the image to the southwest.
panWestPans the image to the west.
panWestPans the image to the west.
panWestPans the image to the west.
performActionPerforms an action on the server side.
performActionPerforms an action on the server side.
performActionPerforms an action on the server side.
performActionPerforms an action on the server side.
performActionPerforms an action on the server side.
performActionPerforms an action on the server side.
performJSFActionPerforms a predefined action that invokes the specified method binding.
performJSFActionPerforms a predefined action that will invoke the specified method binding.
performJSFActionPerforms a JSF action by submitting the page.
performSelectPerforms the action.
performSelectRectPerforms the action.
performServerActionPerforms a server action, using the action name and the parameters.
performServerActionPerforms the action during a image request.
performServerActionPerforms a server action, using the action name and the parameters.
performUpdateImageQuery a new image.
performUpdateImageModeUpdates the server with the new image mode value.
pickPointProcesses the specified point on the server side.
PIEThe type for a PIE chart.
plusImageThe image for the plus button.
positionAfterLayoutHandler that centers the zoom tool in the container.
positionAfterLayoutReturns the relative position of the component by the reference node.
postAsynchronously sends POST requests to the server that can be sending back data fragments.
putHitInfoTypePuts the hitmap information type for hitmap request.


readActionOverride this method to handle more action types.
readAdditionalCapabilitiesAllows you to read additional information generated by the capabilities request.
readAdditionalCapabilitiesReads additional information generated by the capabilities request.
readAdditionalCapabilitiesAllows you to read additional information generated by the capabilities request.
readAdditionalCapabilitiesReads additional information generated by the capabilities request.
readMenuDecodes the array to create a IlvMenu.
readMenuItemDecodes the array to create a IlvMenuItem.

Warning: This method is considered to be part of the IlvGlassView internal implementation, it is not a public API.

recyclePrepares this menu item to be recycled.
recyclePrepares this menu to be recycled.
recycleRecycles the rectangle identified by the ID passed as parameter.
recycleAllRecycles all the selection rectangles.
registerDisposeRegisters the object's dispose method to be called when the IlvObject.callDispose() function is invoked.
registerDisposeByClientIdRegister one proxy instance by clientId into IlvObject.disposeProxyInstances.
registerResizeListenerAdds a size listener on the wrapped JViews DHTML object.
removeReleases the selected link.
removeAdditionalParameterRemoves an additional parameter previously added with the setAdditionalParameters method.
removeBeforeImageOnLoadListenerRemoves a listener installed with addBeforeImageLoadedListener.
removeCapabilitiesLoadListenerRemoves a listener installed with addCapabilitiesLoadListener.
removeCapabilitiesLoadListenerRemoves a listener installed with addCapabilitiesLoadListener.
removeCapabilitiesLoadListenerRemoves a listener installed with addCapabilitiesLoadListener.
removeCapabilitiesOnLoadListenerRemoves a listener installed with addCapabilitiesOnLoadListener.
removeCapabilitiesOnLoadListenerRemoves a listener installed with addCapabilitiesOnLoadListener.
removeErrorListenerRemoves a listener installed with addErrorListener.
removeErrorListenerRemoves a listener installed with addErrorListener.
removeErrorListenerRemoves a listener installed with addErrorListener.
removeHTMLErase the printed HTML content of the object The SubClasses with HTML Elements such as IlvHTMLPanel should override this method
removeImageLoadListenerRemoves a listener installed with addImageLoadListener.
removeImageOnLoadListenerRemoves a listener installed with addImageOnLoadListener.
removeImageOnLoadListenerRemoves a listener installed with addImageOnLoadListener.
removeImagePreloadListenerRemoves a listener installed with addImagePreloadListener.
removeInteractorRemovs an interactor from the group.
removeInteractorListenerRemoves a listener installed with addInteractorListener.
removeInteractorListenerRemoves a listener installed with addInteractorListener.
removeInteractorListenerRemoves a listener installed with addInteractorListener.
removeRectangleDraggedListenerRemoves a listener installed with addRectangleDraggedListener.
removeRectangleDraggedListenerRemoves a listener installed with addRectangleDraggedListener.
removeRectangleDraggedListenerRemoves a listener installed with addRectangleDraggedListener.
removeSelectionChangedListenerRemoves a listener that was installed with addSelectionChangedListener.
removeSizeListenerRemoves a listener installed with addSizeListener.
removeTimeoutErrorListenerRemoves a listener installed with addTimeoutErrorListener.
removeTimeoutErrorListenerRemoves a listener installed with addTimeoutErrorListener.
removeTimeoutErrorListenerRemoves a listener installed with addTimeoutErrorListener.
removeValueListenerRemoves a listener installed with addValueListener.
replaceImageReplaces an image in the DOM with a new image.
replaceImageWithDimensionsReplaces an image in the DOM with a new image.
resetErrorHandlerResets the error handler.
resetRangeResets the visible range and data range.
resetRangeResets the visible range and data range.
resetSessionExpirationTimerResets the timer that will invoke the session expiration handler.
resetSessionExpirationTimerResets the timer that will invoke the session expiration handler.
resetSessionExpirationTimerResets the timer that will invoke the session expiration handler.
resizeAfterLayoutUpdates the size of the JViews DHTML component according to its container size.
restoreStateInternal implementation.
restoreStateHandler called when the view should restore its state not from a cookie.
rightImageThe image for zooming in when the tool is horizontal.
rolloverCurrentImageThe rollover image for the button showing the current zoom level.
rolloverDownImageThe rollover image for zooming in when the tool is vertical.
rolloverLeftImageThe rollover image for zooming out when the tool is horizontal
rolloverMinusImageThe rollover image for the minus button.
rolloverPlusImageThe rollover image for the plus button.
rolloverRightImageThe rollover image for zooming in when the tool is horizontal.
rolloverUpImageThe rollover image for zooming out when the tool is vertical.


saveStateInternal implementation.
saveStateHandler called when the view should save its state but not in a cookie.
scrollScrolls the visible range of the x- and y-axis by the specified amount.
selectAllQueries a selection of all the objects.
selectByIdQueries an update of the selection for a simple selection.
selectMultiQueries an update of the selection for an extension of the selection.
selectOneQueries an update of the selection for a simple selection.
sendRequestSends a selection request to the server.
setSets the minimum and maximum bounds.
setAbsoluteIdSets the absolute identifier of the server side JavaServer Faces component.
setAccessibleSet whether this view is accessible or not.
setAccessibleSets whether the managed view is accessible or not.
setAccessibleSets whether the managed view is accessible or not.

Sets the action to trigger when this menu item is selected.

setActionSets the action to be triggered each time this button is pressed.
setActionNameChanges the name of the action to perform on the server side.
setActionNameChanges the name of the action to perform on the server side.
setActionNameSets the action name for the link interactor.
setActionNameSets the action name.
setActionNameSets the action name.
setActionNameSets the action name used for server action listener.
setActionNameSets the action name for the resize interactor.
setAdditionalParametersInstalls an additional request parameter that will be added to all requests.
setAdditionalParametersSets additional parameters on interactor that will be sent to the server when an object is created.
setAdditionalParametersInstalls an additional request parameter that will be added to all requests.
setAddRemovePointModifierSets the modifier to add or remove a point in the selected link.
setAfterHandlerSets the after handler for this intercepter.
setAfterHandlerSets the after handler for interactor, the handler will call before the eventType of the interactor.
setAnimatedPanSets whether the panning of the view using the overview is animated (for a tiled view only).
setAutoRefreshSets the autorefresh mode of the overview.
setAutoRefreshSets the autorefresh mode of the overview.
setAutoRefreshSets the autorefresh mode of the overview.
setAutoRefreshSets the autorefresh mode of the overview.
setAutoSubmitSets the auto submit mode.
setAutoUpdateCapabilitiesWhen set to true the automatic update will also update the capabilities.
setAutoUpdateCapabilitiesSets whether the automatic update will also update the capabilities.
setAutoUpdateCapabilitiesWhen set to true the automatic update will also update the capabilities.
setAutoUpdateCapabilitiesWhen set to true the automatic update will also update the capabilities.
setAutoUpdateLegendSets whether the legend view is updated each time a new image is loaded.
setAutoVisibleRangeWhen set to true make sure the axis visible ranges are automatically computed.
setBackgroundColorChanges the background color.
setBackgroundColorSets the background color of the generated image.
setBackgroundColorSets the background color of the image view.
setBackgroundColorSets the background color of the glass view.
setBackgroundColorThe background color of the view.
setBackgroundColorSets the background color of the toolbar.
setBackgroundColorSets the background color of this IlvPanel.
setBackgroundColorSets the background color of the generated image.
setBackgroundImageSets the background image of the toolbar.
setBackgroundImageSets the background image of this IlvPanel.
setBaseTextDirectionSpecifies the baseTextDirection of the message.
setBaseTextDirectionSpecifies the baseTextDirection of the tooltip.
setBaseTextDirectionSets the baseTextDirection of tooltip.
setBaseTextDirectionSets the baseTextDirection.
setBeforeHandlerSets the before handler for this intercepter.
setBeforeHandlerSets the before handler for interactor, the handler will call before the eventType of the interactor.
setBlendTransformIndicates if the new images will be revealed by fading the previous image.
setBlendTransformSets whether new images will be revealed by fading the previous image.
setBlendTransformIndicates if the new images will be revealed by fading the previous image.
setBorderColorSets the color of the toolbar border.
setBorderThicknessSets the border thickness in pixels.
setBoundsChanges the size of the toolbar.
setBoundsChanges the size of the view.
setBoundsChanges the location and size of the scrollbar.
setBoundsReshapes this IlvRectangle.
setBoundsReshapes this IlvPanel.
setButtonSizeSets the button size of scroll bar.
setButtonSpacingSets the button spacing in pixels.
setCandidateCheckerSets the JavaScript function used to check if there is a node under the current mouse position.
setChildrenBoundsChanges the size of this view children.
setChildrenBoundsChanges the size of the view's child views.
setChildrenBoundsChanges the size of this view's children.
setChildrenBoundsChanges the size of the view's child views.
setChildrenBoundsChanges the size of this view's children.
setChildrenBoundsChanges the size of the button's child views.
setChildrenBoundsChanges the size of the toolbar's children.
setChildrenBoundsChanges the size of this view's children.
setChildrenBoundsChanges the size of this view's children.
setClassNameSets the class name of this object.
setClipSets the clip for this rectangle.
setClipSets the clip of this panel.
setColorSets the color of the dragged rectangle.
setColorSets the color of the dragged rectangle.
setColorSets the color of the dragged rectangle.
setColorChanges the color of the rectangle that allows panning.
setColorSets the color of this IlvRectangle.
setColorChanges the color of the rectangle that allows panning.
setComponentSets the component type to be displayed.
setComponentSets the displayed component.
setConstrainedOnContentsSets whether the view is constrained to the manager content bounds or not.
setConstrainedOnContentsDefines whether the view is constrained to the manager content bounds or not.
setConstrainedOnContentsDefines whether the view is constrained to the manager content bounds or not.
setContentSets the content of this panel.
setContentSets the HTML content of the glass view.
setCursorSets the cursor displayed by the view when this interactor is set on it.
setCursorChanges the cursor of the view.
setCursorSets the mouse cursor to be displayed when using this interactor.
setCursorSets the cursor of the view.
setCursorSets the cursor of the view.
setCursorSets the mouse cursor that is displayed when the mouse is over this button.
setCursorChanges the cursor of the view.
setCursorChanges the cursor of the button.
setCursorSets the mouse cursor that is displayed when the mouse is over this panel.
setDataSourceIdSets the identifier of the data source to be displayed by the chart.
setDeletingCookieOnDisposeTells the view should delete its cookie when the dispose function is called.
setDeletingCookieOnDisposeTells the view it should delete its cookie when the dispose function is called.
setDoActionOnBGDeselectSets whether the button should execute its action when it's deselected by its button group.
setDynamicSets the mode of this pop-up menu menu.
setEnabledSpecifies whether this menu item can be chosen.
setEnabledEnables or disables the view.
setEnabledSets the enable state.
setEnabledEnables or disables the view.
setEnabledSets whether this button is enabled.
setEnabledSets whether this component is enabled.
setEnabledEnables or disables the scrollbar.
setEnabledSets whether or not this pan tool is enabled.
setEnableHitmapSets the hitmap enable flag of the legend view component.
setErrorMessageSets the message displayed when an error occurs while the image is loading.
setErrorMessageThe message displayed by the view if an error occurred during the image generation by the server.
setErrorMessageSets the message displayed when an error occurs when the image is loading.
setEventHandlerSets the event handler that will receive keyboard and mouse events from this view.
setEventHandlerSets the event handler that will receive keyboard and mouse events from this view.
setEventTypeSets the event type that will be intercepted.
setExpandedSpecifies whether this menu is expanded (that is, if the submenu is visible).
setFactorySets the expression binding to the server side factory that will generates the contextual menu.
setFillOnDefines whether the selection rectangles are filled or hollow.
setFillOnSets whether selection rectangles are filled or hollow.
setFillOnSets whether the rectangle should be filled with a semi transparent background.
setFontSizeChanges the font size of the text.
setForceUpdateSets the force update flag that forces the overview to query capabilities after it has received the image.
setForceUpdatePropertiesSets whether the selection manager should query the server for the current selection and the properties of the selected objects.
setForceUpdatePropertiesSets force to make additional request to query the current selection and additional properties in image mode to enable client-side selection listener.
setForceUpdatePropertiesSets this flag to make additional request to query the current selection and additional properties in image mode to enable client-side selection listener.
setGenerateImageMapInstructs the component to generate an image map in addition to the image.
setGenerateImageMapTells the component to generate an image map in addition to the image.
setGenerateImageMapInstructs the component to generate an image map in addition to the image.
setGenerateImageMapTells the component to generate an image map in addition to the image.
setGenerateImageMapTells the component to generate an image map in addition to the image.
setGenerateImageMapTells the component to generate an image map in addition to the image.
setGroupableSets can do group highlight.
setHandlesSet the selected rectangle handles.
setHighlightedSpecifies whether this menu item is highlighted.
setHighlightedSpecifies whether this menu is highlighted.
setHighlightedChildHighlights the given child, and lowlights any other.
setHitmapLayersSets that layers need generating hitmap.
setHotkeysSets the keyboard hotkeys for the view.
setHotkeysSets the keyboard hotkeys for the view.
setHotkeysSets the customized hotkeys.
setIconSets the icon for this menu item to the specified image URL.
setIgnoreContentAspectRatioSets whether the over view is ignoreContentAspectRatio size or not.
setIgnoreContentAspectRatioSets the overview to be ignore content aspect ratio.
setImageSets the image of the view.
setImageSets the image that represents the button when the button is in normal state.
setImageSets the image of the button.
setImageBackgroundColorSets the background color of the generated image.
setImageBackgroundColorSets the background color of the generated image.
setImageBackgroundColorSets the background color of the generated image.
setImageFormatSets the format of the images generated from the server.
setImageFormatThe image format used to encode the image that is displayed by this view.
setImageFormatSets the format of the images generated by the server.
setImageFormatSets the format of the tile images generated from the server, the format can be the string JPEG or PNG.
setImageFormatSets the format of the image that will be emitted by the image generation servlet.
setImageMapGeneratorSets the image map generator.
setImageMapGeneratorSets the image map generator.
setImageMapGeneratorSets the image map generator.
setImageMapVisibleSets the image map layer visibility.
setImageMapVisibleSets the image map layer visibility.
setImageMapVisibleSets the image map layer visibility.
setImageMapVisibleIndicates whether an image map should be visible or not (if generated).
setImageModeActivates or deactivates the image selection mode.
setImageModeSets the image mode.

Sets the image mode.

setImageScrollPositionSets the scroll position of this view image on the client side.
setImageSizeSets the size of the view's image.
setInteractorSets the interactor that will be intercepted.
setInteractorSets the interactor to be set on the view each time this button is pressed.
setInteractorChanges the interactor of the view.
setInteractorSets the current interactor on this view.
setInteractorSets the current interactor on the view.
setInteractorsSets the interactors into this interactor group.
setInvocationContextSets the context in which the value change listener attached to this interactor will be invoked.
setItemDisabledStyleClassSets the CSS class of a disabled menu item.
setItemDisabledStyleClassSets the CSS class of a disabled menu item.
setItemHighlightedStyleClassSets the CSS class of a highlighted menu item.
setItemHighlightedStyleClassSets the CSS class of a highlighted menu item.
setItemStyleClassSets the CSS class of a menu item.
setItemStyleClassSets the CSS class of a menu item.
setJViewsDHTMLObjectSets the JViews DHTML object that will be managed by this proxy.
setLabelSets the label for this menu item to the specified label.
setLayerVisibleHides or shows a layer by querying a new image from the server.
setLayerVisibleHides or shows a layer by querying a new image from the server.
setLayoutSets the layout of the legend.
setLegendInternal implementation.
setLegendSets the legend associated with this chart.
setLineColorSets the color of the rectangles representing the current selection.
setLineColorSets the color of selection rectangles, if this selection manager is not in image mode.
setLineColorSets the color of selection rectangles, if this interactor is not in image mode.
setLineColorSets the line color of the dragged rectangle.
setLineColorChanges the color of the rectangle that allows the panning.
setLineColorSets the line color of the dragged rectangle.
setLineWidthSets the line width of the dragged rectangle.
setLineWidthSets the line width of the selection rectangles.
setLineWidthSets the width of selection rectangle lines, if this selection manager is not in image mode.
setLineWidthSets the width of selection rectangle lines, if this interactor is not in image mode.
setLineWidthSets the line width of the dragged rectangle.
setLineWidthSets the line width of the dragged rectangle.
setLineWidthChanges the line width of the rectangle that allows the panning.
setLineWidthSets the line width of the dragged rectangle.
setLineWidthChanges the line width of the rectangle that allows panning.
setLineWidthChanges the line width of the rectangle that allows panning.
setLineWidthSets the line width of the dragged rectangle.
setLinkModeSets whether the interactor will create link objects or not.
setLocationSets the location of this menu item.
setLocationSets the location of this menu.
setLocationMoves this view to the specified location.
setLocationMoves the scrollbar to the specified location.
setLocationMoves this IlvPanel to the specified location.
setMaxSets the maximum bound.
setMaximumSizeSets the maximum size allowed for the view.
setMenuSets the static root menu displayed by this pop-up menu.
setMenuModelIdSets the ID used during the dynamic generation of contextual menus.
setMenuModelIdSets the menu model ID.
setMessageSets the message displayed by the view when this interactor is set on it.
setMessageSets the message to be displayed when using this interactor.
setMessageThe message displayed by the attached message box, if any, when the cursor is on this button.
setMessageSets the message to be displayed when the mouse is over the button.
setMessageSets the message to be displayed when the mouse is over the overview.
setMessageSets the message to be displayed when the mouse is over the overview.
setMessageBoxSets the message box of the button.
setMessageBoxSets the message box of the view.
setMessageBoxSets the message box of the view.
setMessageBoxSets the message box of the view.
setMessagePanelSets the message panel where the message will be displayed
setMessagePanelSets the message panel where the message will be displayed.
setMessagePanelSets the message panel where the message will be displayed.
setMessagePanelSets the message panel where the message will be displayed.
setMessagePanelSets the message panel where the message will be displayed
setMessagePanelSets the message panel where the message will be displayed.
setMessagePanelSets the message panel where the message will be displayed.
setMessagePanelSets the message panel where the message will be displayed
setMinSets the minimum bound.
setMinimumSizeSets the minimum size of the container if no size is specified by style or on the server.
setMinimumSizeSets the minimum size allowed for the view.

Sets the picking mode.

setModeSets the mode of the popup menu.
setMoveAllowedAllows or forbids movement of elements in the view.
setMoveAllowedSets whether enable or forbid to move selection.
setMultipleSelectionKeySets the modifier key used to perform multiple selections.
setNbButtonsThe number of buttons to be displayed in the zoom tool.
setObjectSets the JViews DHTML object that will be managed by this proxy.
setObjectPropertiesSets the properties of the selected object as an object.
setObjectPropertySets the properties of the selected object as an object.
setObjectSelectedFinderSets the ObjectSelectedFinder responsible for retrieving the object selected by this interactor.
setOffsetsSets the offset of the attached view.
setOnCapabilitiesLoadedSets the JavaScript code that will be executed when the capabilities are loaded.
setOnCapabilitiesLoadedThe JavaScript code executed when the capabilities are loaded from the server.
setOnCapabilitiesLoadedSets the JavaScript code that will be executed when the capabilities are loaded.
setOnclickSets the onclick action of the button.
setOnCompletedSets the callback function called when the interaction is completed.
setOnImageLoadedSets the JavaScript code that will be executed when the image is loaded.
setOnImageLoadedSets the JavaScript code that is executed when the image is loaded.
setOnImageLoadedSets the JavaScript code that will be executed when the image is loaded.
setOnSelectionChangedSets a JavaScript handler called when the selection has changed.
setOnSelectionChangedSets a listener called on a selection change.
setOpacitySets the opacity on the fill of the rectangle that allows panning.
setOrientationThe orientation of the zoom tool.
setOrientationSets the orientation of the tool.
setOrientationSets the orientation of this toolbar.
setOverviewInternal implementation.
setPageIdSupportAdds support for page identifier (pageId or tabId).
setPanFactorChanges the factor used to pan.
setPanFactorSets the factor used to pan.
setPanFactorChanges the factor used to pan.
setPartialSubmitSets the partial submit mode.
setPartialSubmitSets the partial submit mode.

Sets the picking mode.

setPopupMenuSets the specified contextual pop-up menu on this view.
setPopupMenuSets the pop-up menu on this view.
setPopupMenuSets the specified contextual pop-up menu on this view.
setPopupMenuSets the pop-up menu on this view.
setPopupMenuSets the pop-up menu on this view.
setPreferredSizeSets the preferred size of this menu item.
setProgressiveZoomSets the progressive zoom to make view can progessive zoom when doing zoom operation.
setProjectThe URL to a chart designer project.
setPropertiesSets additional properties to be set on the created object.
setReferenceNodeSets the reference node of this component.
setRequestTypeSets the string used as the request type when the thin client requests a pop-up menu from the servlet.
setRequestURLSets the URL to be used to create the request.
setRequestURLSet request URL
setResizableSets whether the managed view is resizable or not.
setResizableSets whether the managed view is resizable or not.
setResizableSets whether the managed view is resizable or not.
setResizableSets whether the managed view is resizable or not.
setResizableMake the selection resiable or not.
setResizableSpecifies whether this view can be resized.
setResizableSets whether the managed view is resizable or not.
setRolloverImageSets the image that represents the button when the cursor is on the button.
setRolloverImageSets the rollover image of the button.
setScrollBarSets the state of scroll bar in the view.
setScrollBarSizeSets the size of scroll bar.
setScrollBarStateSets the state of scroll bar for view object.
setScrollPositionSets the scroll position of this view.
setScrollPositionSets the scroll position of the selection rectangles.
setScrollPositionSets the scroll position of this IlvSelectionLink.
setScrollPositionSets the scroll position of this IlvRectangle.
setScrollPositionSets the scroll position of this IlvPanel.
setSelectedSets the selection state.
setSelectedSets the button in selected mode.
setSelectedImageSets the image that represents the button when the button is in selected state.
setSelectedImageSets the selected image of the button.
setServletThe servlet that will generate the image.
setServletClassSets the class of the servlet that generates the image.
setServletClassSets the class of the servlet that generates the image that will be instantiated, if needed, by the controller servlet.
setServletURLSets the URL of the servlet that generates the image.
setServletURLSets the URL to be used to create the request.
setServletURLSets the URL of the image generating servlet.
setServletURLSets the URL of the servlet that generates the image.
setSessionExpirationHandlerSets a listener that will be called when the HTTP session is about to be invalidated.
setSessionExpirationHandlerSets a listener that will be called when the HTTP session is about to be invalidated.
setSessionExpirationHandlerSets a listener that will be called when the HTTP session is about to be invalidated.
setSizeSets the size of this menu item.
setSizeSets the size of this view.
setSizeSets the size of this IlvPanel.
setStateInCookieSets whether the state of the view should be stored in a cookie or not.
setStateURLInternal implementation.
setStyleSheetSets the cascading style sheets.
setStyleSheetsSets the comma separated cascading style sheets.

Sets the image URL of the icon that shows the menu item is a submenu.

setTemplateSpecifies the template of the tooltip.
setTemplateSets the template of tooltip.
setTextColorChanges the color of the text.
setThicknessSets the border thickness of this IlvRectangle.
setTimeoutErrorIntervalSets the time-out interval for requests to the server.
setTimeoutErrorIntervalSets the timeout interval for requests to the server.
setTimeoutIntervalSets the timeout interval for loading an image from the server.
setTitleChanges the title of the legend.
setTitleThe title of the button.
setTitleBackgroundColorChanges the background color of the title.
setTitleFontSizeChanges the font size of the title text.
setTitleForegroundColorChanges the foreground color of the title.
setToggleDefines whether this button is a toggle button.
setToggleButtonSets or removes the toggle mode for the button.
setToleranceSpecifies the tolerance of the tooltip interactor.
setToolTipTextSets the tooltip text of the image.
setToolTipTextSets the tooltip text of the image.
setToolTipTextSets the tooltip text of the view.
setToolTipTextSets the tooltip text of the button.
setTypeSets the type of the chart to be displayed in this view.
setUnitIncrementSets the unit increment of the scrollbar.
setUpdateIntervalChanges the automatic update interval of the view.
setUpdateIntervalThe interval in seconds between two automatic updates.
setUpdateIntervalChanges the automatic update interval of the view.
setUpdateIntervalChanges the automatic update interval of the view.
setUpdateIntervalChanges the automatic update interval of the dynamic layer.
setURLLoads the content of the panel from the specified URL.
setValueSets the value of the scrollbar.
setValueChangeListenerSets the method binding expression that will be invoked on a value change event, when a object is selected.
setValuesSets the values of the scrollbar.
setViewSets the view of this component.
setViewSets the view associated with this button.
setViewInvoked when the interactor is attached or detached from a view.
setViewThis method is automatically invoked when the interactor is installed.
setViewThis method is automatically invoked when the interactor is installed.
setViewSets the dependency view of this component
setViewBBoxQueries a new image showing the specified rectangle.
setViewBBoxQueries a new image showing the specified rectangle.
setVisibleSpecifies whether this menu item is visible or not.
setVisibleSpecifies whether this menu is visible.
setVisibleSets the visibility of this view.
setVisibleSets the visibility of this view.
setVisibleSets the visibility of this view.
setVisibleSet the selected rectangle as visible or not.
setVisibleSets the visibility of this scrollbar.
setVisibleSets the visibility of this IlvRectangle.
setVisibleSets the visibility of this IlvPanel.
setVisibleWindowSets the visible window.
setVisibleWindowSets the visible window.
setWaitingImageSets the URL of the image used to show that the component is waiting for a server response.
setWaitingImageThe image displayed during the image loading.
setWaitingImageSets the image to display when the component is waiting for a server response.
setWaitingImageSets the waiting image to be displayed while an image is loading.
setWaitingImageSets the URL of the image used to show that the component is waiting for a server response.
setWaitingImageSets the path to the image that will be displayed while the component is in the loading state.
setXPanAllowedSets whether a zoom along the y-axis is allowed.
setXPanAllowedSets whether a pan along the x-axis is allowed.
setXVisibleRangeSets the visible range along the x-axis and updates the image.
setXVisibleRangeSets the visible range along the x-axis and update the image.
setXYRatioSets the ratio (width/height) that the dragged rectangle must respect.
setXZoomAllowedSets whether a zoom along the y-axis is allowed.
setXZoomAllowedSets whether a zoom along the x-axis is allowed.
setXZoomFactorChanges the factor used when calling the zoomIn and zoomOut methods on the x-axis.
setXZoomFactorChanges the factor used when calling the zoomIn and zoomOut methods.
setYPanAllowedSets whether a zoom along the y-axis is allowed.
setYPanAllowedSets whether a pan along the y-axis is allowed.
setYVisibleRangeSets the visible range along the y-axis and updates the image.
setYVisibleRangeSets the visible range along the y-axis and update the image.
setYZoomAllowedSets whether a zoom along the y-axis is allowed.
setYZoomAllowedSets whether a zoom along the y-axis is allowed.
setYZoomFactorChanges the factor used when calling the zoomIn and zoomOut methods on the y-axis.
setYZoomFactorChanges the factor used when calling the zoomIn and zoomOut methods.
setZIndexChange the Z coordinate of the view
setZIndexSet the 'z' coordinate of the panel.
setZoomFactorThe factor used when zoomIn or zoomOut JavaScript actions are called.
setZoomFactorChanges the factor used when zooming.
setZoomFactorChanges the factor used when calling the zoomIn and zoomOut methods if and only if fixed zoom levels are not set.
showAllQueries a new image showing all the area available from the server.
showAllShows all the selection rectangles.
showAllQueries a new image showing all the area available from the server.
showAllQueries new images showing all the area available from the server.
showImageMapShows the image map layer.
showImageMapShows the image map layer.
showImageMapShows the image map layer.
showMovableShows the selection rectangles for objects that are moveable, and hides the others.
startDraggingStarts the drag.
startDraggingStarts the drag.
startDraggingInitializes the dragging of the selection.
startDraggingStarts the drag.
startErrorTimerStarts a timer for errors.
startErrorTimerStarts a timer for errors.
startUpdateTimerStarts the update timer that will query another image after a time interval.
startUpdateTimerStarts the update timer.
stopDraggingEnds the drag.
stopDraggingEnds the drag.
stopDraggingComplete dragging of the selection and performs a server action if needed.
stopDraggingEnds the drag.
stopErrorTimerStops the error timer.
stopErrorTimerStops the error timer.
stopUpdateTimerStops the update timer.
stopUpdateTimerStops the update timer.

Warning: This method is considered to be part of the IlvGlassView internal implementation, it is not a public API.

submitFormCalling IlvAjaxUtil.submitForm() static method will asynchronously submit the form in which the submit button is in.
superConstructorInvokes the constructor of the superclass on this object.
superInvokeInvokes a method of the superclass on this object.


timeoutErrorThis method is automatically invoked when a time-out error occurs during a request to the server.
toHTMLCreates the HTML components of the wrapped DHTML object.
toHTMLCreates the HTML for this component.
toHTMLCreates the HTML for this scroll bar.
toHTMLCreates the HTML for this component.
toStringReturns a string representation of this object.
toStringReturns a string representation of this data window.
toStringReturns a string representation of this data point.
toStringReturns a string representation of this data set.
toStringReturns a string representation of this data interval.
traceOutputs a label and a list of 1-3 values to the debug evaluator's results window.
translateMoves this IlvPanel according to the specified amount of pixels.
translateTranslates the interval from the given value.
translateXTranslates the chart area along the x-axis.
translateXTranslates the chart area along the x-axis.
translateYTranslates the chart area along the y-axis.
translateYTranslates the chart area along the y-axis.


updateUpdates the content of the menu item.
updateUpdates the view.
updateAllUpdates the capabilities and a new image from the server.
updateAllQueries a full selection update.
updateAllQueries new capabilities and a new image from the server.
updateAllQueries new capabilities and a new image from the server.
updateAllUpdates the image and the capabilities.
updateCapabilitiesUpdates capabilities that have changed.
updateCapabilitiesUpdates capabilities that have changed.
updateDataSourceRefresh client data cache with latest IlvDataSource updates on the server.
updateHitmapUpdates the hitmap from the server.
updateImageUpdates the chart image.
updateImageQueries a new image from the server.
updateImageQueries a new image from the server.
updateImageUpdates the image by issuing a request to the servlet.
updateImageQueries a new image from the server.
updateImageQueries a new image from the server.
updateImageSends a query to the servlet that generates the image to refresh the image displayed in the view.
updateImageMapAsks the server to regenerate an image map from the URL returned by createImageMapRequestURL.
updateSelectionPropertiesQueries the server for the selected objects and their properties.
updateVisibilityUpdate the visibility state of the component.
upImageThe image for zooming out when the tool is vertical.


whileDraggingWhen dragging.
whileDraggingWhen dragging.
whileDraggingDrags the selection.
whileDraggingWhen dragging.


zoomChanges the visible range of the x- and y-axis according to the specified data window.
zoomByZooms the view to a specified factor by querying a new image from the server.
zoomByZooms the view to a specified factor by querying a new image from the server.
zoomByZooms the view to a specified factor by querying a new image from the server.
zoomByZooms the view to a specified factor by querying a new image from the server.
zoomByZooms the view to a specified factor by querying a new image from the server.
zoomInZooms the view in by querying a new image from the server.
zoomInZooms the view in by querying a new image from the server.
zoomInZooms the view in by querying a new image from the server.
zoomInXZooms the view along the x-axis by querying a new image from the server.
zoomInXZooms the view along the x-axis in by querying a new image from the server.
zoomInYZooms the view in along the y-axis by querying a new image from the server.
zoomInYZooms the view along the y-axis in by querying a new image from the server.
zoomOutZooms the view out by querying a new image from the server.
zoomOutZooms the view out by querying a new image from the server.
zoomOutZooms the view out by querying a new image from the server.
zoomOutXZooms the view out along the x-axis by querying a new image from the server.
zoomOutXZooms the view out along the x-axis by querying a new image from the server.
zoomOutYZooms the view out along the y-axis by querying a new image from the server.
zoomOutYZooms the view out along the y-axis by querying a new image from the server.
zoomToFitQueries a new image showing all the data available from the the servlet that generates the image.
zoomToFitQueries a new image showing all the data available from the server.
zoomToIdentitySets the identity transformer on the view.
zoomToIdentitySets the identity transformer on the view.
zoomToIdentitySets the identity transformer on the view.

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