// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Tree Component configuration
// Type: Tree
// The following list shows all possible properties for
// the tree component.
// - view : enables the tree view configuration
// - interactor: enables the interactor configuration
// - adapter: enables the adapter configuration
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tree {
  view: true;

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// This configuration is set in the IlpTreeView.
// List of available properties:
// - background : Color
// - rootVisible : boolean
// - showsRootHandles : boolean
// - scrollsOnExpand : boolean
// - selectionLookAndFeel : { Highlight, Checkbox }
// - cellRenderer : TreeCellRenderer
// - expandsSelectedPaths : boolean
// - rowHeight : int
// - toggleClickCount : int
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

View {
  background : #FFFFDF;

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Tree node configuration
// Type : object
// CSSClass : business class
// Pseudoclasses : :selected and :focus
// List of available properties:
// - toolTipText : String
// - labelVisible : boolean
// - label : String
// - labelFont : Font
// - labelPosition : IlvDirection
// - labelSpacing : int
// - labelForeground : Color
// - labelBackground : Color
// - iconVisible : boolean
// - icon : Image
// - overlapIconVisible : boolean
// - overlapIcon : Image
// - focusBorderWidth : int
// - focusBorderColor : Color
// - selectionFocusMode : IlpSelectionFocusMode
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

object."Alarm" {
  label : @identifier;
  iconVisible : true;

// Configure the Alarm to change their icon according to the
// perceivedSeverity attribute value
object."Alarm"[perceivedSeverity=0] {
  icon : @|image("cleared.png");
  toolTipText: "Cleared Alarm";
object."Alarm"[perceivedSeverity=1] {
  icon : @|image("indeterminate.png");
  toolTipText: "Indeterminate Alarm";
object."Alarm"[perceivedSeverity=2] {
  icon : @|image("warning.png");
  toolTipText: "Warning Alarm";
object."Alarm"[perceivedSeverity=3] {
  icon : @|image("minor.png");
  toolTipText: "Minor Alarm";
object."Alarm"[perceivedSeverity=4] {
  icon : @|image("major.png");
  toolTipText: "Major Alarm";
object."Alarm"[perceivedSeverity=5] {
  icon : @|image("critical.png");
  toolTipText: "Critical Alarm";

// Configure the Alarms Folder to show an alarm ballon icon
#Alarms."Folder" {
  icon: @|image("critical.png");

// Configure the label to change its foreground color 
// according to the selection and focus status. 
// Note the importance of the definition order: the last
// definition has priority

object:selected {
  labelForeground: blue;

object:focus {
  labelForeground: red;

object {
  labelForeground: black;