// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Network component additional customization
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Network {
  view: true;
  toolbar: true;
  interactor: true;
  zooming: true;
  backgrounds: true;

// Configure the view
View { 
  keepingAspectRatio: true;
  maxZoomXFactor: 10;
  maxZoomYFactor: 10;
  horizontalScrollBarPolicy: Never;
  verticalScrollBarPolicy: Never;

// Configure the toolbar.
ToolBar {
  enabled: true;
  button[0]: @+SelectButton;
  button[1]: @+PanButton;
  button[2]: @+ZoomInButton;
  button[3]: @+ZoomOutButton;
  button[4]: @+ZoomViewButton;
  button[5]: @+ZoomBackButton;
  button[6]: @+ZoomResetButton;
  button[7]: @+FitToContentsButton;
  button[8]: @+MagnifyButton;
  button[9]: @+AutoMagnifyButton;

#SelectButton {
  actionType: "Select";
  usingObjectInteractor: true;
  opaqueMove: true;
  action[0]: @+action0;

#action0 {
  key: "control A";
  class: "ilog.cpl.graph.action.IlpSelectAllObjectsAction";

#PanButton {
  actionType: "Pan";
  usingObjectInteractor: false;

#ZoomInButton {
  actionType: "ZoomIn";

#ZoomOutButton {
  actionType: "ZoomOut";

#ZoomViewButton {
  actionType: "ZoomView";
  usingObjectInteractor: false;

#ZoomBackButton {
  actionType: "ZoomBack";

#ZoomResetButton {
  actionType: "ZoomReset";

#FitToContentsButton {
  actionType: "FitToContents";
  margins: "5";

#MagnifyButton {
  actionType: "bandwidth.Magnify";
  name: "Magnify";
  toolTipText: '@|resource("SampleMessages", "tooltip.magnify")';
  icon: @+magnifyIcon;
  usingObjectInteractor: false;
  // Note that this magnify effect consumes memory
  // proportional to factor * lensSize
  factor: 2;
  lensSize: 200;

#magnifyIcon {
  class: javax.swing.ImageIcon;
  image: @|image("magnify.png");

#AutoMagnifyButton {
  actionType: "bandwidth.AutoMagnify";
  name: "AutoMagnify";
  toolTipText: '@|resource("SampleMessages", "tooltip.autoMagnify")';
  icon: @+autoMagnifyIcon;
  usingObjectInteractor: false;
  // Note that this magnify effect consumes memory
  // proportional to factor * lensSize
  factor: 2;
  lensSize: 200;

#autoMagnifyIcon {
  class: javax.swing.ImageIcon;
  image: @|image("automagnify.png");

// Set the default interactor.
Interactor {
  name: "AutoMagnify";

// Set the Mixed zoom policy.
Zooming {
  type: "Mixed";

// Load a background file.
Backgrounds {
  background[0]: "us_map.png";

// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Object Customization
// -----------------------------------------------------------
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject" {
  labelBackground: #80FFFFFF;

object."ilog.tgo.model.IltLink" {
  lineWidth: 1;
  borderWidth: 1;

// Change the link width according to the performance state
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltLink"["objectState.Performance.SecState.In" > 30] {
  lineWidth: @|@"objectState.Performance.SecState.In"/10-2;

// Change the link width according to the performance state
// The selector order is important, for more information, see the
// JTGO User's Manual - Introducing Cascading Style Sheets
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltLink"["objectState.Performance.SecState.In" > 75] {
  borderWidth: 2;
  lineWidth: @|@"objectState.Performance.SecState.In"/10-2;