Release Notes

JViews 3.5 Prototypes (BGO) Release Notes

This document describes the changes that have been made to the JViews Prototypes (or BGO) module since version 3.0.

General Changes
Library Changes
       New Classes

       Modified Classes

Changes in Composer
Bug Fixes

General Changes

The main general changes are the following:

Library Changes

New Classes


In JViews 3.0, when you encapsulated a prototype instance in an IlvGraphicGroup, the mouse and keyboard events could not be dispatched to the elements of the prototype. So, if you had defined interactive behaviors on your prototype, these behaviors did not work in the graphic group.

The new class IlvGraphicGroupInteractor solves this problem. You just have to set this object interactor on the graphic group to have mouse and keyboard events dispatched to the prototype's elements.

Modified Classes


The class IlvPrototypeLibrary has a new method:
public static IlvPrototype getPrototype(String prototypeURL,
                                        Class jarClass)
    throws MalformedURLException, IlvReadFileException, IOException;
This new method makes it easier to load a prototype from a URL or from a JAR file. The URL is of the form:

The first part of the URL is the location of the IVL file containing the prototype library, and the "anchor" part (after the '#') is the name of the prototype.

Changes in Composer

It is now possible to encapsulate a prototype instance in an IlvGraphicGroup in Composer. For this, use the Convert to Graphic Group command in the Edit menu. The command Revert from Graphic Group removes the graphic group and replaces it with the "raw" prototype instance.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed.
  • The expression parser could enter an infinite loop when it encountered the '!' character (for example to test for inequality).
  • If an expression contained a property name that started with a predefined function name (for example 'expanded'), the expression parser took the function name as a token, resulting in a syntax error.
  • The connection interactor had several functional and refresh problems.
  • Deleting an object did not delete the connections between this object and other objects.
  • In Composer, it was not possible to type Return in the text area of the Prototype Wizard page for editing a Java behavior.
  • In Composer, the Property Table page of the Prototype Wizard did not work with JDK 1.3.