Release Notes

Changes in the Prototypes (BGO) Module

The Prototypes module, which allows you to create custom graphic objects easily without coding, provides the following new features and enhancements.

Generation of JavaBeans

It is now possible to generate JavaBeans from JViews prototypes.

Once you have drawn your prototypes and defined their properties with JViews Composer, you can call the Bean Wizard to turn your objects into standard JavaBeans. The Bean Wizard will generate, compile, and pack your JavaBeans into a ready-to-use JAR file that you can import in any Java IDE.

Easy Editing of Prototypes with the Prototype Wizard

You can now define and edit your prototypes much more easily in Composer using the new Prototype Wizard.

The Prototype Wizard is a powerful, workflow-oriented dialog that helps you achieve the following tasks:

With the Prototype Wizard, you define complex, active custom graphic objects in a few clicks.

Handling User Interactions in Prototypes

A new class of the ilog.views.prototypes package, IlvEventBehavior, lets you define the way a prototype will react to mouse or keyboard events. This class is used in the Prototype Wizard to add interactions to your prototypes.

The existing classes IlvRotationBehavior, IlvTranslateBehavior, IlvFillBehavior have also been enhanced to react (optionally) to user events. This makes it easy to create sliders, knobs, and gauges.

Enhanced Animations

The behavior class IlvAnimationBehavior has been modified so that all the animations are now triggered by a single thread. As a consequence, all the animations within an application are now synchronous: for example, all the objects that blink with the same period are hidden and shown at the same time, which gives a better visual effect.

In addition, animated objects now get back to their initial state when an animation stops: a blinking object will always be made visible again if it was visible before the animation, a rotating object will get back to its original angle, and so on.

Finally, the new class IlvTimerBehavior lets you define custom animations, in addition to the predefined animations (rotate, blink, invert).

Multi-Representation Behaviors

The class IlvMultiRepBehavior has been modified so that several elements can be specified for a given representation.


The ternary operator "condition ? expr1 : expr2" can now be used in parameters of behavior objects.