Release Notes

JViews 3.0 Graph Layout Release Notes

This document describes the main changes that have been made to the JViews Graph Layout module since version 2.1.

General Changes
Library Changes
Demonstration Changes


Package renaming

The ilog.views.graphLayout package has been split into several packages:


Provides the base classes of the Graph Layout Framework.
Provides a layout algorithm for bus network topologies.
Provides a layout algorithm to display graphs representing interconnected ring and/or star network topologies.
Provides a link layout algorithm that reshapes the links of a graph without moving the nodes.
Provides a layout algorithm that arranges the nodes of the graph in horizontal or vertical levels, such that the majority of the links point in the same direction.
Provides a layout algorithm that arranges the nodes on concentric circles around the root of the tree.
Provides a layout algorithm that moves the nodes of the graph at randomly computed positions inside a user-defined region.
Provides a layout algorithm that can be used to lay out any type of graph.
Provides Swing components useful for creating applications mixing JViews Graph Layout and Swing.
Provides a layout algorithm that can be used to lay out cyclic graphs, both planar and nonplanar.
Provides a layout algorithm that arranges the nodes of a tree horizontally or vertically, starting from the root of the tree.
Provides a layout algorithm that can be used to lay out any type of graph; it allows you to specify the length of the links.
Note that the name of the Graph Layout base package has also changed (ilog.views.graphlayout instead of ilog.views.graphLayout). Due to the package renaming, the import statements of the code based on JViews 2.1 and previous versions must be updated. Note that you also need to update IVL files containing IlvClusterInfoProperty objects (used for the Circular Layout), because this class is now located in the package ilog.views.graphlayout.circular.

Modified Behaviors

Several changes to the default behavior concern all the layout algorithms:

General Changes

The main general changes are the following:

Library Changes

New Graph Layout Algorithms New Packages

(New packages containing layout algorithms that already existed in JViews 2.1 have been mentioned above.)

New Classes in ilog.views.graphlayout Modified Classes


ilog.views.graphlayout.IlvGraphLayoutReport ilog.views.graphlayout.bus.IlvBusLayout ilog.views.graphlayout.circular.IlvCircularLayout ilog.views.graphlayout.topologicalmesh.IlvTopologicalMeshLayout ilog.views.graphlayout.tree.IlvTreeLayout ilog.views.graphlayout.springembedder.IlvSpringEmbedderLayout ilog.views.graphlayout.uniformlengthedges.IlvUniformLengthEdgesLayout ilog.views.graphlayout.random.IlvRandomLayout Deprecated Methods

For details about methods that have been deprecated, see this.

Demonstration Changes

Graph Layout Viewer

JViews Composer now provides graph layout capabilities. The old "Graph Layout Viewer" demonstration no longer exists.