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Charts > Glossaries > JViews Charts Glossary > D
data annotation
A data annotation is a graphical annotation that can be either a local annotation, if associated with a data point, or a global annotation if associated with a series or a renderer.
data converters
To be properly merged into a chart data model, data imported from a database or a table model needs to be mapped into double values. This conversion is handled by means of data converters, instances of the IlvDataConverter interface.
data model
The interface with which business objects must comply to be represented in a chart. The data model may make use of your business objects directly or require a transformation of them. One major feature of JViews Charts is that the data model is separated from the visualization part.
data range
Specifies the limits of the data values along this axis. This range can be unbounded, which means that the minimum and maximum data values are undefined.
(CSS) The elements of the right side of a style rule. The declaration set is enclosed within curly brackets. Each declaration is a property-value pair. Each property-value pair ends with a semi-colon. A property-value pair sets a rendering property on a graphic object that represents a model object.
drawing order
The drawing order lets you control the position of a given decoration in the drawing queue of a chart.

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