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Charts > Programmer's documentation > Building Web Applications > Developing JViews Charts JavaScript Web applications > JViews Charts JavaScript Web application architecture
JViews Charts JavaScript Web application architecture
The JavaScript Web application framework provided with the JViews Charts library is based on the standard Java™ Servlet technology. For more information on the Java Servlet technology, you can visit the JavaSoft site at
Publishing charts graphical representations of a data model through a Web server typically consists of using the JViews Charts library on the server side to build and handle the data model and to generate the corresponding chart displays. Basically, this is performed by means of a servlet that answers to the HTTP requests sent by a client, and delivers the display of the charts to the client.
The default display outputs supported by the JViews Charts library are JPEG and PNG images. In addition to this image output, a corresponding client-side image map can also be generated to allow the user to add his own client-side interaction code.

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