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Charts > Programmer's documentation > The generic printing framework > The printing framework > The PrintingController class
The PrintingController class
After you create your IlvPrintableDocument, you will have to create an instance of IlvPrintingController, a high-level class that manages the document to print and the preview frame. Then you can perform various actions on the document to be printed:
*Call the printDialog method to invoke a dialog box to select a printer, or to specify other printer-related information.
*Call the setupDialog method to open the Page Setup dialog box, which allows you to change the page format, the header and footers. You can also click the Setup button while you preview the document.
*Call the printPreview method to preview your document.
*Call the print method of the print controller to print your document. You can also click the print button while you preview the document.
The printing controller also offers methods that you can overwrite, so that you can customize the Setup dialog, or the Print Preview dialog created by the printing controller.

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