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Charts > Developing with design tools > Using the Designer > Getting started > Saving the chart
Saving the chart
It is a good idea to save your charts periodically as you create them.
To save a chart for the first time:
1. Make sure you have already created a directory in which your charts will be saved.
2. Choose Save As from the File menu.
A file selection dialog box appears.
3. Select the directory in which you want to save the chart.
4. Type the name of the chart. For this example type TemperaturesCartesianChart.icpr.
You should use the .icpr filename extension, which stands for JViews Charts Project.
5. Click Save in the dialog box.
The chart is saved with the filename you have just typed.
To save an edited chart:
*Click the Save button from the toolbar or choose Save from the File menu to save an edited chart, that is, one that has already been saved and that you have opened and edited.
The updated chart is saved in the same place with the same name.
Once you have saved your chart, you might want to integrate it in your application. For more information, refer to Integrating your development into an application.

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